Get This – I’ve Been Put In Twitter Detention For Condemning Play Where Trump Is Assassinated Because I’m Creating an Unsafe Environment!! – IOTW Report

Get This – I’ve Been Put In Twitter Detention For Condemning Play Where Trump Is Assassinated Because I’m Creating an Unsafe Environment!!

Here are my tweets from the last hour since Laura was put in jail.

Laura Loomer Rushes Stage Where Trump Lookalike Gets Stabbed

-Replying to

You tell him Jack. This was in protest of the normalization of political violence. It wasn’t “heckling.” A Congressman was just shot!


More like Snakespeare

– Retweeted

1h1 hour ago

Replying to

To be crude, they could have a monkey farting on stage, and if it wore a wig and screeched “Trump” this crowd would call it high art.

-Replying to

the point of this play is to assassinate Trump on stage & have angry, twisted flotsam cum while watching.


Will Chamberlain Retweeted Mike Cernovich

The left loves civil disobedience -except when it spoils their enjoyment of highbrow assassination porn

And if a right-wing guy went to a ball field and shot up democrat congressman I’d wonder if we were performing “art” or inspiring that crap.

-Replying to

Deranged left-wing maniacs can’t handle a Trump presidency, and this violence u guys are peddling in the “arts” is incitement, & u know it.

Fuck off.

– Replying to

it’s assassination porn, you fucking idiot. Go away.


I got this–

This is rich. Me cursing at a guy is a hinderance to creating a safer environment, meanwhile I’m cursing because I believe the play where Trump is stabbed to death is not creating a SAFE ENVIRONMENT.

That’s my entire point.

Hey, if it makes Twitter, and the twat that reported me, feel better, think of my twitter timeline as performance art, you friggin morons.


17 Comments on Get This – I’ve Been Put In Twitter Detention For Condemning Play Where Trump Is Assassinated Because I’m Creating an Unsafe Environment!!

  1. We need to start recording and identifying these ass holes. We need to start a data base with names and addresses. How brave are they when we know who they are? And they’re damn mouthy. Are they that mouthy one on one?
    Update, been wearing Trump Shirts 3 days in a row. No problems.

  2. @brad
    I’m with you, there is MORE than enough reason for us to be weary of the lot of them. Their violent and outlandish behavior has been more than evident since the election results, and now it’s beginning to come to a head. It’s too dangerous NOT to do something like this.

  3. Gotta love last nights play at the park was stormed by Trumpers and the show scuttled. While on the stage they scolded the audience about what scum they were. Love a little payback, wonder how they like it right back at them. Probably deep state of shock.

  4. Alas poor BFH, I knew him a bit, but is it noble(r) to suffer the slings and arrows of banishment for a cause or to remain and suffer the indignities of political correctness. But as you know, I digress to explain the indignities of outrageous banishment…

    Tis’ but a parting shot of honor for BFH and all of his ilk…

  5. Twitter is the Left playground. They only allow us to play as much we don’t get in their way. They shove on my timeline what they “think you’d like”, even after I opted out of their ~timeline personalization~. They hide what they think it’s offensive, even if I haven’t ~muted~ any word on the settings. They follow my location even after I set it on private, both on Twitter and on my phone settings. Like Google, Facebook and others they have an agenda and we’ve been used as pawns.

  6. Serves you right for being on all of that social media crap in the first place. Twatter, Faceplant, and all of the other social media crap is run by leftists who only let conservative opinions stand so that all of the leftards can make fun of them, until, that is, the conservative makes a valid point then they get “punished”.

    Dump all of those social media accounts now!

  7. From Fur:”…think of my twitter timeline as performance art, you friggin morons.”

    Are you telling me the twitterverse isn’t ALL performance art?

    Well phuck me runnin’, I’ve misread another social media institution.

  8. Twitter is a shithole, a perfect template of left wing bias. With the left, it’s not about what the behavior is, but who is exhibiting it. A leftist can call you any name in the book, and threaten to rape your entire family, and they will never get suspended, ever. You object to a play about Trump getting murdered, and you get suspended. They don’t even try to be fair, and only an idiot would think the censors there are objective. They hired one of the most vile left wing cunts on the Internet to write their behavior policy. It’s complete bullshit.

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