Meanwhile in Taxachussetts…Don’t expect the rich folks to stay and pay – IOTW Report

Meanwhile in Taxachussetts…Don’t expect the rich folks to stay and pay


Howie Carr: It’s been reported that for the tax year 2014, 15,422 Massachusetts residents reported gross incomes of more than $1 million.

 That number is about to decline, more than somewhat. It’s hard to predict demographic trends, but this one is a no-brainer, because it now appears that the kleptocracy that is Massachusetts state government is going to impose a “graduated” income tax on those 15,000-plus earners. They’re going to get stuck paying an extra 4 percent on their bills, unless of course they flee or finagle their declared incomes under a million, which thousands will now most assuredly do.

The question of soaking the so-called rich will now go on the November 2018 statewide ballot after a vote by the legislature Wednesday. more here

14 Comments on Meanwhile in Taxachussetts…Don’t expect the rich folks to stay and pay

  1. That’s what is so stupid about democrat pols thinking. They never calculate that the world is not static, and people take corrective action based on the situations facing them. They are just supposed to concede and pay up.

  2. “… and people take corrective action based on the situations facing them” PHenry is correct on that. And those residents reporting income above $1 mil certainly have the freedom to move anywhere they want and give Taxachussets their finger on the way across the border.

  3. As we conservatives have observed many times in the past, those wealthy liberals are going to take their money to conservative states, fund liberal democrats in their new states, and vote for the very same types of candidates and issues they ran from. never fails.

  4. Here in Ozark Co., MO we defeated a move to raise property taxes.

    So the greedy fucks raised the ASSESSMENTS, since raising the rates has to be approved by the electorate! My assessment rose 46% from last year to this and we are still in the depths of the Obola Depression. Homes and land for sale all over the county and “tax auctions” (euphemism for theft) once a month.

    Oh, and this is a “Republican-controlled” county – whatever that means.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Holy crap, just where in the hell can you move that the local, state and federal officials don’t lust after as much tax money from you as they can coerce, steal, grab or confiscate!

  6. This is why so many people are moving to Mass, and IL, and MD, and MI, and CA — because they are morons and they want to give all of their money to the government in taxes b/c government knows how to spend it better than they do. Oh, wait — no, those high-tax states all are places that people are leaving b/c they don’t want to hand over their hard earned money to crooks and incompetents in the government. Go ahead and do that folks — but for CRYING OUT LOUD, leave any and all stupid liberal high-tax big-government ideas in that craphole state you are fleeing!!!!!

  7. Florida has no income tax but the pols try to make up for it with gas and sales taxes to get tourists to “pay their fair share” but still not as bad as NY, MA, IL, and the other states mentioned here.

  8. NH used to be Conservative, now it’s Northern Massachusetts (not an improvement btw). Of a $40B budget, almost $1.8B is being spent of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. But there just isn’t enough money…

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