Bless Her Heart – IOTW Report

Bless Her Heart

Nigerian Olympic athlete Blessing Okagbare-Ighoteguonor was making her long jump at a meet in Oslo, Norway when she experienced a bit of a malfunction and ended up in 7th place.


30 Comments on Bless Her Heart

  1. Ok, I don’t understand. Did her wig fall off during the jump and count as part of her body or did her head hit the sand causing her wig to fall off. Seems to me if her wig fell off on it’s own it shouldn’t count but if her head struck the sand it should. In any event, I feel sorry for her as she’s unlikely to live that down.

  2. Vanity strikes again. Shame, too. It looks like she landed at about 7.25.
    I forwarded her email address to maxine, so she can get some of that good glue.

    “leaped 6.21 meters”. Damn it! She lept 6.21 meters.
    Long live irregular verbs!!!

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