Did the Media Need To Caption This Photo Like This? – IOTW Report

Did the Media Need To Caption This Photo Like This?

This was a story about Donald Trump heading for Camp David for the first time. He’s going there for father’s day.

Here’s the horrible Daily Mail-

They caption the photo of some luggage and say it’s the launch codes for nuclear weapons.


Why don’t they stick to what they do best, fluff.

Maybe they could have mentioned that the president looks like he lost a little weight.

ht/ dee

23 Comments on Did the Media Need To Caption This Photo Like This?

  1. They don’t know which is which. I would have assumed it would be the designer bag. OTOH, there was a guy there carrying a large Cartier shopping bag, that was probably it.

  2. Trump has lost weight, probably from stress over all the events swirling about him. I agree the Daily Mail caption was not necessary in any way. That might be his weekend spending money!

  3. The Republican National Committee, RNC, keep asking me for donations to “help President Trump,” Yet the Republicans in government are not helping President Trump????
    Hey guys you ain’t getting a farthing from me. Back the man! MAGA

  4. They have no idea what’s in any of the bags, or even whose they are. Bozos.
    I am pretty sure the “launch code” bags are not casually carried around by “aides”.

  5. Just a buncha morons that have no clue what they are
    talking about.
    If you haven’t been on the receiving end of those launch codes,
    you have no idea the process to get them to the people who deliver
    the devices. It was an interesting tour, but boring. Gotta meet
    the Stratcom at the time.

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