In the Wake of Otto Warmbier’s Death, This Political Commentary From the Left is Despicable – IOTW Report

In the Wake of Otto Warmbier’s Death, This Political Commentary From the Left is Despicable

13 Comments on In the Wake of Otto Warmbier’s Death, This Political Commentary From the Left is Despicable

  1. This is all just so horrible, God have mercy on his parents and on is departed soul…
    The far-left acting like foaming at the mouth beasts and languishing all over the grave of the poor young man… what else could be expected of people who adhere to Maoist communism and degenerative sexual privileges? Nothing good. Nothing right. Whatsoever is good and pure and right, none of those things are on their minds or souls. None.

  2. We can agree it was stupid to go there. But he was a kid probably not understanding the true degree of danger. I remember what these scum did to the crew of the USS Pueblo. They need to be erased from the face of the earth. And the left makes remarks like they do and wonder why they’re despised?

  3. I remember when I was in Instagram, 2/3 years ago, there were American and European photographers posting pictures of NK and people commenting how beautiful and peaceful and clean the place is. I was amazed by the amount of stupidity, but when I would comment something about how they were really oppressed, many would say that that was the idea that Republicans wanted to pass in order to go to war with those beautiful people. I read many comments of people saying how “happy they look, they’re all smiling in the pictures…” and that they’d love to visit such place.

  4. The North Koreans are happy*, content* people who love their leader*, respect their government*, and participate in the democratic process*.

    * Under penalty of death.

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