Raccoon Babies Make Human Friend – IOTW Report

Raccoon Babies Make Human Friend

15 Comments on Raccoon Babies Make Human Friend

  1. They are quite fun until near adulthood and then them
    phockers get mean. Those claws will tear you a new asshole.
    Had a friend with one, and a skunk baby that had it’s scent
    sack removed. The skunk was more like a cat, but curious.
    Morons forget, they are still wired for “animal”, and not
    a pet. Even pet ferrets can get quite mean.

  2. We’ve always had ‘coon families around our house. They’re the biggest pests.

    Our #1 daughter mimics Forrest Gump perfectly: “Coons? When racoons try to get on our back porch, Momma just chase ’em off with a broom.”

  3. They may be cute but I wouldn’t trust the little vermin any farther than I can eliminate them by trapping them and drowning them in a 55 gal. barrel full of water, insert trap with raccoon in it into the water and drown the little furry critters. And raccoons are legal to kill for any reason in the state of Wash. just because they are pests.

  4. I had a baby raccoon suckle my pinky once. They are the cutest things as baby animals. But they’re as feisty as foxes. If you can suffer a baby raccoon for a few weeks, you’ll love/hate it. They are worth the love. Unlike certain political a-holes I can think of. Honey badger their asses.

  5. They’re comical little rascals but are mischievous as hell. Used to have whole gangs of them visit at night but since having dogs around they found greener pastures.

  6. “Can’t trust a fukkin coon.”

    We had the cute l’il buggers on the deck where we fed and looked out for em, and they ate the weather stripping off the door.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. They got into my goldfish ponds and ate my beautiful goldfish! Had to chicken wire the top. We took in a cat someone dumped. We can’t leave any food out, they destroyed a cat feeder even though we thought it was coon proof. Coons steal everything!

  8. I had a couple of pet coons as a kid. They were fun, but too clever for their own good and figured out how to undo the latch on their cage where they were housed when I was not home. Our otherwise-worthless coon hound killed each of them when they got loose.

  9. Where I am originally from, in mid-Michigan farm country coons are incredibly numerous and destructive. As part of a self-imposed back-rehabilitation (that ultimately DID rehab my severe back injury) a farmer friend sold me his stock Ruger 10-22 and I customized it to reduce weight and mounted a large aperture scope for low-light hunting, and proceeded to shoot 362 coons in 12 months that I could body-count, and countless others that toted off large loads of lead. Racoons are very tough and can take an incredible beating and still fight off a pack of dogs. My record for one day was 21 coons.

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