Fleeing Burglar Shoots Back Into Home, Kills Accomplice Running Behind Him – IOTW Report

Fleeing Burglar Shoots Back Into Home, Kills Accomplice Running Behind Him

Breitbart: Bibb County Sheriff David Davis said a burglar fleeing a female resident turned around and shot “back into the house,” striking his burglary accomplice in the head and killing him on the spot.

According to The Telegraph, the two suspects were running one behind the other. The one in the lead had the gun and the one following had a television set that he dropped after being startled by the female homeowner.

The suspect who was shot “died in the threshold of the woman’s front door.”  MORE

h/t Dave

28 Comments on Fleeing Burglar Shoots Back Into Home, Kills Accomplice Running Behind Him

  1. Bad Brad, I doubt the homeowner can be sued unless it can be proven that she was in “collusion” with the shooter. Where did I hear that phucking word before? LOL.

  2. It was a 10:00 a.m., Monday morning (workday) home invasion. I’ve heard and read that most home burglaries/home invasions occur between 10 am and 3 pm.

    Always learning.

  3. Now the dumb f*ck gets a murder charge as well. I really think that the US would be well served by an “Escape From New York” approach to prison reform. Maybe not Manhattan Island but perhaps Catalina Island. It’s 22 miles off the coast and only 4500 or so people live there so that could be handled fairly easily. Rare animals can be taken off the island before the prisoners start being put on. and a constant patrol (air and sea) could be maintained for a fraction of the cost of todays prisons.

  4. Probably need to feed the sharks to keep them in the area. Alcatraz is already built, may need to be refurbished. Sharks fed on a regular basis to keep them in the area.

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