Wonder Woman to Hillary : No Thanks – IOTW Report

23 Comments on Wonder Woman to Hillary : No Thanks

  1. Sure, she’s a hottie, but unless she appears nude in the movie, I won’t waste my money or time to sit through a typical “you go grrl” movie. And before anyone gets their panties in a wad, I don’t care if it’s based on a comic book, so there.

  2. Wonder Woman is the perfect name for this treasonous bitch.
    I wonder how many people she’s actually ordered killed. I wonder how hard of a shot to the head she really took. I wonder if it bothers her when she looks into a mirror. I wonder how much many she made from selling the Russians 25% of our Uranium Reserves. I wonder how fucked up she was the night of Benghazi. I could continue.

  3. “We’re anxious to keep politics out of Wonder Woman any way we can.”

    By “politics”, we mean “toxic, bitter losers”. And “any way we can” speaks for itself, Seth. I mean, Hillary.

  4. menotu- No kidding! There’s a woman I know that has got to be in her really late 60’s who has sun damaged skin from all her beach trips. She wears leggings, way off the shoulder tops, and clunky 4 inch platform shoes I wouldn’t wear when I was 20. Her husband looks like a potato with socks on. Nice guy, but they just don’t match as a couple. lol.

  5. The liberals are beginning to shut down Clinton. She carried their banner and lost and as a result must fade away. She ought to take the hints because if Sessions decides to go after her her next visit from the Democratic National Committee may well be from its Department of Vince Foster.

  6. It is a Wonder that Woman is still alive after all the drugs and alcohol she has consumed.
    We won’t mention Parkinson’s, lesbianism, and unhealthy living. She should just go away by herself. She is under the delusion of great popularity.

  7. I have this favorite recurring dream in which Hilary dies, the Blofeld way.

    A conference table in a hidden undersea lair.
    Soros at the head, in a Mao jacket, stroking a white cat. Top underlings and henchmen, nervously assembled. Bezos, Buffett, Zuckerman. Hilary is babbling a garbled report about her plans for 2020.
    Soros presses a hidden button. Hilary’s chair electrocutes her. Melted partial dentures hit the table as she spasms. Followed by her wig, smoking.
    The chair with her blackened corpse disappears down a trapdoor. The henchlings have all wet themselves.

    I like that dream. I always wake up smiling.

  8. @Rufus; Actually you could use the scene from Thunderball at SPECTRE Headquarters and almost the exact dialog that was used except instead of the shortfall in receipts for Narcotics sales it could be about the 2016 election with Hillary all smug and self assured and Podesta sitting beside her sweating and nervous. Bet Fur could do a good job on that.

  9. Wonder Woman represents integrity, honesty, and loyalty. Concepts alien to a dried up, man hating, crime syndicate operating, commie lesbo and her delusions of greatness.

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