Prescient Paul Weston on the European Civil War Caused By Progressives Embracement of Islam – IOTW Report

Prescient Paul Weston on the European Civil War Caused By Progressives Embracement of Islam

Weston’s predictions about Islam in Europe have been spot on. They’ve been more accurate than global warming models, yet we’re supposed to be freaked out by climate change and stay calm about the matchbox/gasoline relationship being stuffed into European cities at the hands of pinheaded leftist elites. (When are they EVER right? Name one thing?)

Weston asks, “when the shite hits the fan, which side are you on?”

ht/ annie

12 Comments on Prescient Paul Weston on the European Civil War Caused By Progressives Embracement of Islam

  1. Paul Weston compares it to the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Rivers of Blood. The religious civil war has already started. It’s going to get a lot worse. Which side are you on, he asks?

  2. My European friends are disarmed, and both educationally and culturally brainwashed.

    Their elite (largely unelected) rulers control the police, the military, the schools and the media. In complete and highly coordinated lockstep.
    The political totalitarian Left ensures no contrary leaders will be allowed to arise.
    Government corruption ensures rigged elections and unlimited ballot tampering to ensure the desired results.
    The Fix is always In.

    Now the EU is in the final stages of locking up the Internet as a Chinese-model police state tool to ensure that no opposition is ever allowed to arise, and that individual dissenters are instantly identified, silenced permanently, and punished.

    That’s what they’re up against. That’s why we see so little Resistance. That’s why the Muslims are allowed to rampage.
    It will get worse.
    I admire Geert Wilders more than any European alive. But the odds are overwhelming and the fix is in.

  3. I think you could make an argument that this has little to do with Islam and everything to do with Progressives. We’re pretty close to civil war too. The Muzzies are just a weapon for the Progs.

  4. The Left’s female lawyers from Wellesley deludes themselves into thinking they can control the Muzzies. Oppressed peoples, noble savages who will crush The Patriarchy then meekly COEXIST.

    It’s like an enemy unleashing weaponized airborne Ebola. The ending is not as planned

  5. He wants Islam out of Europe but doesn’t want Muslims dying in the streets.

    The Islamists have already won, then. In my opinion he’s part of the problem he actually speaks of.

  6. Thanks God Almighty, daily, that we have been successful in electing Donald J. Trump, President. It’s not the last chapter, it’s the “Forward” in the annals of war against the Left, here. Every day, in every way, we must support this presidency and fight back against the forces of Leftist evil.

  7. Unfortunately the common Europeans will not have guns. The muzzies most likely already have caches of guns ready when needed and more will be smuggled in. Also many of the muzzies are battle hardened and more bloodthirsty. Europe is doomed unless they get outside help.

  8. 1) Muslims who believe in Shariah should not be allowed in this country. Muslims who don’t aren’t really Muslims, are they?
    2) The higher the percentage of Muslims in any given population the higher the incidents of attacks on non Muslims.
    3) In light of the above, the only good Muslim is a dead (yes, I said DEAD) Muslim.

  9. The author alludes to the armed forces being under control of the progressives or the weak-kneed conservatives and will therefore obey any commands giving it. If it does come to blood in the streets then that supposition will be tested the first time a sargent says “no” to a officer and the officer can’t back up his command. From then on the armed forces will be fighting the left and the muslims and the officers can join in or be disarmed.

    Then it gets interesting as soldiers don’t really care about the nuances of civil law. The Muslims get on the boat and go home. Or else. If Iran or Turkey try to flood the west with more Muslims then they’ll find they aren’t facing politicians any longer, they’re facing trained and determined military fighting to save their country. England would be the first to act I suspect because so many of their army saw what Islam is capable of, the next would be the low countries followed by France and finally Germany who may end up with it’s own little war within the military before they turn on the politicians that got them in this mess. The east (Poland, Ukraine may send troops to assist in the removal of the muslims (if requested) and I suspect that the eastern european muslim countries (and populations) will be very quiet indeed. Russia and America may just stay out of it and simply eyeball each other.

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