Bubblegum Anyone? – IOTW Report

Bubblegum Anyone?

I’m elevating this to its own post.

Image by Redstater… the Awesome.

14 Comments on Bubblegum Anyone?

  1. Loves me some Andrew Breitbart.

    I saw his last public engagements, with Andrew and Steve bannon all wearing the Occupy Wall Street guy falkes masks. Theatrical. The blogger conference was great. What an amazing event that was. the general CPAC thing was pretty cool too.

    I was devastated when he died. Breitbart posters still festoon the man cave.

    Such an unfortunate and unexpected exit.

  2. The Man set so much important shit in motion that’s going down now with the media revealing themselves for who they really are; sniveling little brat, Marxist-loving shitheads.

  3. i’ve never believed that “heart disease” crap…..the man was obviously murdered….he was beautiful not just for his mind, but in body as well….and he DID NOT die of a “heart condition”…….unless you consider the ole umbrella injection a “heart condition”…….

    which you WOULD, if you lived in the former soviet republics……but not if you live in our America…..

    dagnabbit…..why is it they get away with assassinating our guys, over and over again, and nobody ever notices??????

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