She Fit Smith… AND Wesson! – IOTW Report

She Fit Smith… AND Wesson!

Um, ladies. I need to ask a personal question.

How many of you could, um… … uh… accommodate…. a Smith and Wesson in “there”? Even if you went heavy on the Wesson? And it doesn’t count if you’re in labor.

On second thought, don’t raise your hand. We don’t wanna know.

But if you can, let me congratulate you by shaking hands with your uterus.


A Texas woman who police said packed a loaded pistol in her vagina has been sentenced to probation after she pleaded guilty to drug possession.

Ashley Cecilia Castaneda has been sentenced to 10 years on deferred probation for methamphetamine possession. The 33-year-old Waco woman also was fined $2,500.

Waco police say that when Castaneda was arrested in 2015, she told officers on her way to McLennan County Jail that she was packing a loaded handgun in her birth canal. Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said a jail matron performed a cavity search and found the gun, right where Castaneda said she had hid it.

Castaneda’s attorney, Seth Sutton, denied the story as impossible, but Swanton said the police department stood by it.


Check her to see if she’s smuggling a small Mexican in there.

ht/ fdr in hell

61 Comments on She Fit Smith… AND Wesson!

  1. gives new meaning to ‘blew her lips off’

    ‘… the baby just shot right out!’

    Lordy! … I’m conjuring up parodies of ‘Merry Melodies’ cartoons in my head

  2. Unless she was in active labor, I very much doubt her cervix was dilated enough to pass a pistol into her uterus.

    And if she was in active labor, there’s going to be a lot more coming out than going in, if you grok my vibe.

    Now, on the other hand, if she’d had a LEEP performed for HSIL, then she might have what’s referred to as an “incompetent cervix”, which would obviously have a larger passage. Even so, I really don’t see any way she could get even a small pistol up there.

    Now, granted, I’m Pathology, not OBGYN, but I really can’t see it happening.

  3. I’m rethinking ‘A Christmas Story’
    Ralphie: I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model vagina!
    Mrs. Parker: No, you’ll shoot your eye out.

  4. Something seems right in the universe when the last posting I will see tonight, by IOTW is about vaginas….I think I’ll go watch the lightning bugs fly in my field, drink bourbon and await tomorrow….

  5. Search wise, this is old news. Gangster chicks and gun molls have been smuggling contraband down there since before Capone.

    This broad looks like she’s no stranger to sitting in Economy Plus nursing a 20 lb balloon of coke north of her bladder.

    She’s got those flat already-doomed eyes of a cartel mule.
    Megan’s future Porn partner in “South Of My Border XVII”.

  6. I’ll bet Megan Kelly could “accommodate” a Desert Eagle .50.

    After all, she handled the entire NBC exec suite on one casting couch.
    Probably all at the same time.

  7. That is a S&W .22 Escort, if I’m not mistaken, a very, very small pistol. Smaller than a small fist.

    I’m with Uncle Al; it’s not like it was an X-Frame .500 Magnum or anything. Still once inside the jail, it was “In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

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