“You’re Not That Bad…” – IOTW Report

“You’re Not That Bad…”

22 Comments on “You’re Not That Bad…”

  1. If you need to see a clear retical with your eye pressed hard against the scope, your an idiot. I’ve seen “Pro Shooters”, what ever that means, do this shit non stop. That’s not how it works, that’s not how any of this works.

  2. Failure is the hardest method to earn something, It usually comes with pain and humility. Once is generally enough to make alternations to what you’re doing.
    Having had my share, I can say with certainty she will remember it and she won’t be bitten again.

    But, what has been said, I agree with, whoever was coaching her is a sadistic prick. He can make his own sammich for now on.

  3. Seen that a bunch, and not only with new shooters.

    If you see a black ring around the image in the scope, you’re too close. Cheap scopes also have less eye relief at higher magnifications.

    The ‘coach’ in this case is an asshole. Should have been watching the shooter and corrected their position on the rifle.

  4. That was just plain mean and cruel, that prick knew that would probably happen. I hope she has a brother that didn’t think treating his sister like that was too funny.

  5. PWT, no doubt. There was nothing right about that setup. The only people who would use a chair as a gun support are people who don’t know what they’re doing. Never take lessons from a 110 bowler.

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