German Christians hold their cheeks open and let out a Muslim mating call.
A Warm, Fluffy Mosque Inside a Church in Berlin — “Interfaith” in Action.
The “interfaith” movement has reached an important milestone: a mosque has been constructed inside a church in Berlin. Everyone is excited and happy about this significant event, which allows people of all faiths to come together under one roof in peace and harmony and etc blah yak.
Video with translation HERE
ht/ MfM
I give it three months max, until muslims burn it, and everyone in it to the ground.
Donald Trumps reading of the Snake suddenly pops to mind. These people are full fledged victims waiting to be slaughtered. Risky experiment if your kids accompany you to church.
Allah Comends Her For Securing A Christian Church . Now Muslims Can Build UPON the Fallen Church !!!
I guess hitler was right.
“The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”
“The calls!!!! Theyre coming from inside the house!!!!”
“Or is it coming from das minaret behind the altar? It is ze most beautiful sound in the world!”
If you expect Muslims to respect your beliefs because you respect theirs, you are fooling yourself.
That’s like expecting a lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.
Intersectionality meets suicide bombers.
Christianity is being killed by ecumenicide.
Now I hope I’m wrong here, but I have a worrisome notion that the moderate Muslims are keeping quiet and hanging out on the sidelines to see if the west has the cajones to defend itself.
Dhimmi uber alles. Merkunt is an example of an extinction-level cunteroid that actually impacted Germany. Unlike Cunteroid Hilzebub 112016 which barely missed us.
aaand Martin Luther does a triple Gainer ….
aloha snackbar! BOOOM!!!
These insane ones have never heard of the Hagia Sophia, the Dome of the Rock or the Dome of the Ascension, not to mention, dozens of cathedrals now Satan worshipping, excuse me, mosques.
Poor Lazlo – One thing’s for sure, we sure as Hell ain’t gonna see all those Mindless, Moderate Muzlims in a Million Muzzie March against iSlamic Terrorism!
The doughy faced Merkel must have quite the sense of accomplishment. Hitler had his strategy, she has hers.
I give it a week before the Muslims start complaining they are offended by the Christian symbols inside the building and demand they all be removed. Give it a month before they take over the main portion of the building. Six weeks and the Christians won’t be allowed to enter the building anymore.
Merkel…the east German is strong with this one.