Partnership Resurrects Trump Brothel in Canada – IOTW Report

Partnership Resurrects Trump Brothel in Canada

I think this was meant to embarrass Trump, but I don’t see how it does. Let’s resurrect Obama’s great-grandfather’s business- sacrificing virgins so it would rain.

Newser – At the end of the 19th century in a booming Canadian gold rush town, patrons of the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel could buy moose, cranberries, caribou, and even swan meat. And, of course, sex. The Arctic in Bennett, British Columbia, is the surprising place where “the Trump empire began,” and now Parks Canada and a local First Nation tribe is restoring it for tours, Maclean’s reports. Bennett became a major hub of the Klondike Gold Rush and got the attention of Friedrich Trump, who was cutting hair in Manhattan after arriving in the US from Germany in 1885. The president’s great-grandfather traveled to British Columbia and opened the Arctic in 1897.

Trump’s biggest profits by far came from alcohol and prostitution. “I would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings,” a Yukon Sun reporter wrote in 1900.

14 Comments on Partnership Resurrects Trump Brothel in Canada

  1. How’s that swan meat taste? I’m offended that he
    sold something healthy like cranberries.
    And they were probably fat bottomed girls, they make
    the rocking world go around.

  2. Smells like entrepreneurship.

    The thing that built the wealth of America.

    Dummies get so jelly when others recognize opportunity and capitalize on it. “Oh, look! He made money! How evil!”

    Teach whomever you can to find opportunities and profit from them. They’ll survive any storm that comes along. Maybe even come out ahead.

    That’s how you fight Communism on a daily basis – turn them into capitalists before they can hurt themselves with that stupidity.

  3. Horrible business decision. Google the town. Nobody lives there anymore and it’s in an extremely remote area so no one will go there. They will lose their asses.

  4. Anonymous JUNE 23, 2017 AT 11:05 AM Gosh I wonder what goes on in Trumps hotels these days?….Democrats cheating on their spouses with Russian hookers and queers.

  5. I don’t think it’s an attempt to embarass Trump but rather an attempt to draw attention and customers to a failing business and maybe get some people in there to spend some money. They found a link to Trump who is arguably the most famous man on the face of the earth and are trying to exploit it. I suspect Trump himself would wish them the best of success.

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