Parents Have Message For Punks Who Contributed To Daughter’s Death – IOTW Report

Parents Have Message For Punks Who Contributed To Daughter’s Death

I don’t understand suicide because of “online bullies,” but I won’t judge. It happens a lot, so being made fun of online is apparently about as devastating as it gets.

I think the parents were trying to passively aggressively hurt the bully’s psyche as much as possible, and who can blame them?

I would be more of the mind of exacting revenge in some epic and creative way, but that’s the way I roll.

(NEWSER) – The parents of a 15-year-old girl who hanged herself Monday in Pennsylvania have a message for bullies: “Please know that it is not too late to change your ways.” Fox News reports that before her death, Sadie Riggs was going to counseling and taking medication for emotional issues. But she was bullied a lot, especially on social media, and it finally became too much. Her parents say they addressed their daughter’s suicide in her obituary to “debunk the rumors” surrounding her death. They also did it to show bullies the real-life consequences of making a girl—who loved reading, softball, and music—feel “worthless.”

“To all the bullies out there, I just want you to know that as much as we despise your actions, never, ever do we wish for you to feel the paralyzing pain that engulfs our bodies, a pain so severe that it makes the simple act of breathing difficult or the guilt that leaves us wondering what we could have done different,” the obituary states. “Our hearts are beyond broken.” A funeral for Sadie was held Saturday, WJAC reports. In lieu of flowers, her family only asks people to “be kind to one another.”

19 Comments on Parents Have Message For Punks Who Contributed To Daughter’s Death

  1. Sadie was “taking medication for emotional issues.” I’m always suspicious that meds play a part in tragic situations like this. Ever notice the side effects mentioned for antidepressants on TV ads?
    I cannot imagine what these parents are experiencing, and their comment about their paralyzing pain is heartrending. May God comfort them as only He can.

  2. I don’t understand how one can be “bullied” over the telephone (delete the stupid shit without reading it), but my guess is that these people have excluded God from their lives. Just a guess, of course, and I have no foundation for that supposition, and apologize preemptively for sounding “judgmental.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The young focus their insecurities outward. Belittle somebody else and you raise your own worth. It’s stupid and the day will come when they reflect on their cruelty and hate what they did.

  4. Right you are, Vixen – there are not just a few antidepressant or other (Chantix comes to mind) Rx have a warning about making depression worse, or contributing to suicidal thoughts, especially in teens.
    One wonders how many incidents of suicide have been at least partially due to or prompted by medication?

  5. Per the obituary, she lived with an aunt instead of her parents, so I’m thinking her childhood was pretty effed up before the bullies ever got ahold of her.

  6. Programs to stop “bullying” have become a crusade at this point and I have to wonder why. I experienced some bullying when younger and it’s unpleasant but it passes. Are there actually that many bullies out there now that with the aid of Facebook, PinInterest or any of the other computer aided tools springing up and attacking the weaker members of society? There are certainly groups that are such as the LGBTetc, BLM and most other extreme left/liberal groups but at a teenage individual level? The was to stop this is to exit Facebook and any other “social media” groups, stop texting or chating with strangers until you feel that you have strengthened as a person to brush off personal attacks for what they are, the acts of a coward and a socially deficient individual. Take as your motto “FIDO”, Fuck It Drive On.

  7. @CC:
    Agreed. I watched “The Hidden Enemy”– a documentary about the use of psychotropic drugs in the military. I came away convinced that the alarming suicide rate among soldiers is due to these drugs. Truly appalling. I have a close friend who was prescribed Zoloft 20 years ago and is still on the stuff. She’s afraid to get off of it now and I can say for certain that her personality has been completely altered. Super paranoid, too.

  8. If I had an adolescent with emotional issues serious enough for medication, my first act would be to get her off social media.
    Internet yes, social media no.

    Even in adults, SM brings out the very worst in people.

  9. God wasn’t kidding, The power of life and death is in the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21). There is a reason that the first thing the Holy Spirit asks for is your tongue. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can kill the soul.
    I’m so sad for this precious girl. I thank Gof for his infinite mercy and hope that she now knows what it truly means to be loved.

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