A Little Bit of Melania – Why Not? – IOTW Report

A Little Bit of Melania – Why Not?

We have an elegant first lady.

28 Comments on A Little Bit of Melania – Why Not?

  1. I’m going to go against the grain. She needs to back off a bit. Never show up at a wedding a make the bride look like a Hereford. Don’t get me wrong, I love the lady, I just don’t think she’s quite fitting in to her new role.

  2. BB — If anyone is going to wear a form-fitting dress or pair of slacks, it should be woman who models for a living. Her dress was entirely appropriate for a summer wedding and it would be difficult, if not impossible, to make the bride look like a heifer. She is/was a model and actress, herself. And her wedding dress was an absolute vision.

    These are the best pics I could find:


    Funny you should say FLOTUS is having a hard time fitting in. I was just thinking how perfectly she is fitting in. lol

  3. Brad:

    Very understated, pale pink–plus some curls/waves on her hair ends. No obtrusive jewelry (no tiara!). Just gorgeous, which you have to appreciate.

    OTOH, the bride, Louise, wore a ‘top of the wedding cake’ creamy gown ($50K+?), so exquisite as seen in the pix Abigail was so kind to link to.

    They BOTH ‘fit’ in, for a summer evening’s wedding with a great after-party (I’m sure?), food/dance etc.

    And remember, this is all new to Melania, who I’m pretty certain never ever thought she would be FLOTUS…so give her a break, ok? Pretty please?!?

  4. I agree, Abigail! Melania has brought style and beauty to the WH, unseen by any 1st Lady before (including Jackie, who IMO cannot compare to Mrs. Trump). And MO? Poor MO. She tried so hard.

  5. At least we don’t have to read/hear about “toned arms” anymore! hahaha! I always knew the big deal made over “toned arms” was to draw attention away from the rest of the picture.

  6. She’s the 1st Lady and should dress to the 9’s. She represents us. And unlike the last excuse for a 1st Lady, she doesn’t have to dress to camouflage her penis. haha

  7. She is so graceful and elegant. For 8 long years we watched as bowlegged Mooch clomped around with her manly gait, bad posture, animal like prognathic jaw, wearing one of her outfits that looked like it was designed by a fashion major at Clown College and we were told by the media that she was the embodiment of style and beauty.

  8. I’m just giddy seeing a photo with three clearly heterosexual adult couples well-dressed and smiling for the camera.

    Have we safely returned from the 8 yr nightmare in BIZARRO WORLD ????

  9. I feel such relief these days…no more horrifying fear wondering when moosquatch’s dresses, shirts, pantaloons were gonna fall off and we would all be blinded forever.

  10. That is a beautiful dress. I think it’s lined with a flesh-toned lining.. Better seeing the slight curvature of an ass cheek than seeing the lumpy curvature of Michelle 0bama’s athletic cup.

  11. I saw an article the other day, some gal is gonna have surgery to look like Melania. Anybody ever see an article where any gal wanted surgery to look like mooch?

  12. Thank goodness we are over the horror of Mrs. O in cut off jean shorts getting off Air Force One or displaying her hatred of our Country.
    Melania is a breath of fresh air.

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