No Ramadan Dinner At WH This Year – IOTW Report

No Ramadan Dinner At WH This Year

The Huffpo was shocked that for the first time since Hillary Clinton was the first lady, there will be no Ramadan dinner held at the White House.  While President Trump and First Lady Melania offered their well wishes, there will be no special event recognizing the month of fasting by Muslims.


Most of the comments from when this article run in Yahoo approve of the decision.

33 Comments on No Ramadan Dinner At WH This Year

  1. Gee Wally, I´m just not seeing a down side here. After all, the final 2017 Ramadan Bombathon Scorecard in the name of iSlam is at:
    Attacks: 174
    All other religions: 0

    Not only that, but there have been 31,072 deadly iSlamic Terror attacks since 9/11, so after 15 1/2 years it doesn´t look like appeasement has done much!

    We´re supposed to celebrate THAT???

    TU back atcha Mr. President!

  2. I like the fact that he spends less time doing BS dinners at the White House and more time working. I don’t care for all these balls and gala’s that seemed to be reported on monthly for the last 8 years.

    Paraphrasing the first comment from the article: Good, now lets fire up the BBQ for an American holiday next week!

  3. The selective accommodation and fawning over the Muslim religion while at the same time ignoring completely the other diverse religions practiced by Americans, and the denigration and shaming of Christians in the past years has finally ended. Bravo Mr. President. We are proud of the work you are doing every day.

  4. Oh. Whoops Ramadan ended on June 24th.
    I was busy making a nice bolognese sauce with plenty of prosciutto in it. Dang. I guess I’m not very culturally sensitive.

  5. Are the Muslims Going to Catch on to the Obvious Reasons for No Free White House Dinner ? It’s not Because You All Keep Shitting on The Carpets !
    Ask a Muslim Who Can Read Something Besides the Koran !

  6. Serious Question , I need an Answer To : When one Travels to A Muslim Village, is The Only Vocabulary used and KNOWN , Comprised of only the Actual words In The Koran. Do They KNOW Other Words, or not Really.

  7. @Plantsman — I don’t know the answer to your question, but I recently learned that the “revealed” truth of the islamic prophet, Mohammed, said that the only way to understand the koran is if you speak native arabic, since this is the only language the “truth” was revealed. He set it up as a Catch 22.

    I just read an article yesterday and I wished I could link it (but I forgot where it was), but it was chock full of very interesting issues about the so-called ramadan dinner at the WH and how problematic it was to have the ambassadors and other diplomats to dinner at the WH because of all the in-fighting amongst and between the various ME muslim countries. It’s no wonder the folks whose full time (taxpayer-paid) jobs worked on planning this dinner for most of the year! They spent much of it adjusting the seating arrangements!! LOL!!!

    I’m so proud of our president for dispensing with this baloney.

  8. WINNING! Thank you President Trump for not feeling obligated to put on a “show” of hospitality to prove you are politically correct.
    Not tired of winning…not tired of pissing of the PC crowd.

  9. Abigail : Thanks. If the Koran is Their Entire Vocabulary, that Could explain the Lack Of Hapiness and a Complete Lack of Humor ! That Actually Kills Reasoning ,as it’s the Koran’s way or No Way at All. There Mids are in a Very Tiny Box !


    The pigs of islam aren’t invited to the WH this year

    Maybe they should wait for another islamic pig imposter to occupy the oval office again

    They can refer their desires to the American Communist Party

    who call themselves democrats

  11. Did you know that Bob Evans serve candied Bacon as appetizers now? Me and my family had one in honor of that mooselim holiday this evening. We sacrificed so that Mr. Trump wouldn’t have to.

  12. Why not just have Governor Moonbeam concoct a Jim Jones Flavor Aid Celebration of the permanent fast at his buddy’s Peoples Temple. You know the lunatics will fill the halls in Excremento for it. It would be less farcical than hosting a Ramadan State Dinner on the Whitehouse. And be more cleansing too.

  13. A bog pot of pinto beans and ham with pande sal and butter. Oh yeah!!!

    As an appetizer, pork siopao sweet buns.

    Then fresh fried sisig with thai rice.

    And a whole bunch of beers.

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