SCOTUS Takes The Cake – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Takes The Cake

As speculation runs wild about whether Anthony Kennedy is going to announce his retirement from the Supreme Court, a less reported story today is that the court has agreed to hear  Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

It’s another situation where a state entity is trying to compel a private business to violate the owner’s religious beliefs by forcing the baking of a cake for a gay wedding.


12 Comments on SCOTUS Takes The Cake

  1. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but if Kennedy retires now, we will be back to a 4-4 court and the Dimwits will do anything and everything to drag out the next nomination. This case wouldn’t stand a chance a that point. You know the republican senators don’t have the kiwis to stand up for anyone. Just my thought, FWIW.

  2. The Left is ready to strategically endorse “religious liberty” only as a tactic to empower Muslims seeking Sharia exemptions on every aspect of American life. Employment, marriage, mosques, infiltrating government jobs, etc.
    This legal tactic has worked in Britain with stunning success.

    Regardless what Kennedy decides for now, Ginsburg is ready to keel over any day now. She looks 103. Even older than Nancy Pelosi.
    Trump will appoint at least 2 more justices this first term.
    Maybe more. If POTUS ever decides to play hardbball, he can use whatever blackmail evidence Obama had on Kagan and The Wise Latina. You don’t appoint anyone to SCOTUS without ensuring long term control over them.

  3. @Corky; I have to disagree. The GOP holds all the cards at this point and if any GOP Senator decided to vote against a Trump nominee I think they’d find themselves in a nomination fight at their next election with a lot of bucks flowing in against them. Trump is being fairly successful right now even with all the lies and plots against him. A decent conservative nominee with a good track record who presents themselves well should be a lock. With a simple majority now the norm there’s not much the Dems can do. Then when the clock runs out on Ginsberg he appoints another good judge and the Dems heads explode.

  4. The court has agreed to take this case because it is such an egregious totalitarian infringement (except for the usual for lefty justices that see no issue that is not totalitarian enough)

  5. Regarding Demo(n)crat “investigations” against Trump, the best defense is a good offense. GO ON THE OFFENSIVE!!! Prosecute Hillary for HER collusion with the Russians; all the Russian money that went into the Clinton Foundation, the sale of our uranium processing, everything Comey said about Hillary. Intent is not required for a conviction.

    By the way, give the prosecutor and his family round the clock protection. Don’t want another Seth Rich, Vince Foster, or Ron Brown.

  6. I guess in California (others to follow) the only place you can take advantage of your concealed carry permit is in your home. That doesn’t sound like much help.

  7. I know we will be hearing plenty of “State Rights” chants on this one, but what about rights of the individual? What about “Constitutional Rights” that a tyrannical state is stripping from the individual? This will set a precedence. Look out.

  8. @ Corky – If he retires he needs to go now. We can have another strong conservative replace him. Lets imagine that 1 seat flips from R to D in the congress next year. The fake media will report that as a mandate and give the demos much needed ammo to stick a squiggly non-constitutionalist in there.

    Hoping for stronger majorities after the next general election but not sure how many republicans will run with the POTUS instead of against him.

  9. There are many cases across the country where Christian bakers, florists, photographers, etc., have been targeted by the hostile LGBTMOUSE community for declining to provide support to a gay wedding. This case will have broad ranging effects. Notice, however, that this hostile-to-Christians community never seems to want service from a Muslim-owned business; at least they are never suing Muslims for declining service.

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