They Say Big Brother’s A Sickening Sight, On Broadway – IOTW Report

They Say Big Brother’s A Sickening Sight, On Broadway

The London production of George Orwell’s “1984” opened on Broadway last week and audience members are getting upset at the rat cage torture scenes of the Winston Smith character.  But that’s not what turns my stomach. The comments by co-director Robert Icke make me want to vomit- “It’s a classic not because it’s an attack on a potential futuristic socialist government and not because it’s an attack on a right-wing totalitarian stripping away of rights. It’s about that doublethink of carrying contradictory thoughts simultaneously.”


Trailer advertising the stage production Here  and Here

Can any one from the left be trusted to honestly produce “1984”?

21 Comments on They Say Big Brother’s A Sickening Sight, On Broadway

  1. Orwell himself said plainly he was writing about the Left.
    Engsoc is English Socialism.

    Orwell was clear. The book is explicit.

    The Left has been desperately trying to project-and-divert ever since the book came out (1947?).

  2. The human mind is most healthy when it INTEGRATES information, that is, when the information it holds is non-contradictory and in compliance with values that support LIFE. An integrated mind can out-compete one of a higher “intelligence” (IQ). Today’s leftist liberals (as opposed to true Jeffersonian liberals) are suffering from so much cognitive dissonance that it boggles their minds (pun intended). We have just begun to witness the insanity.

  3. The “forbidden Book” excerpts from Emmanuel Goldstein clearly lay out Orwell’s expectations. The geopolitics were already set in Orwell’s day (Stalin, Mao) and were still in place in actual year 1984.
    Eurasia and Eastasia, like Oceania, communist totalitarian regimes with only trivial differences.

    Exactly the world that Soros and the Globalists everywhere are working for.

  4. Broadway is about as left as America is can get. If you’re a conservative forget about getting any producers or for that mater a theatre to stage your play it’s not going to happen. They are all smug, self-centered, two faced little bastards that demand that people practice what they preach but not what they do. Olivia Wilde is a great example. Her family comes from a showbiz left wing cabal and she’s grown up spouting all the buzz phrases and words but has a lifestyle that gives lie to all her blather. Then again maybe I’m just bitter. Years ago I was in New York and thought to take in a play. The Producers was playing starring Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. I paid top dollar (a couple of hundred bucks) to sit behind a post. Anyway, I thought I was going to have a good evening until I opened the playbill and a fluttering of little papers came out. Everyone of the main characters had the night off and even a few understudies were out drinking. The best part of the eveing was talking to my seatmates, a family from Buffalo.

  5. “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  6. @cato, our own Civil War history is a perfect example.
    None of the actual participants, Union or Confederate, would recognize their era and beliefs and events as re-written by Ken Burns and the textbooks by Zinn.
    Now the Confederate flag is banned, BLM is erasing the last public place names and monuments, and no sooner are those monuments removed (to be quietly destroyed forever once out of view), than demands will be unveiled for replacement memorials to MLK, Nat Turner, or “The Victims Of Slavery”.

  7. 1984: The Musical!

    All black! All LBGT! All twerking!
    Starring the cast of Hamilton.
    Winston’s lover Julia becomes “Jules”, played extra-sassy and feisty by Some Gay Actor Of Color With Dreadlocks.
    PETA guarantees no rats will be harmed in the production.

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