Trump “Grosses Out” THE INTERNET! – IOTW Report

Trump “Grosses Out” THE INTERNET!

This isn’t fake news, it’s deranged and silly news.

I NEVER want the left back in power again. They are brain damaged.

Irish Times-

US president Donald Trump made the unusual move of inviting RTÉ’s Washington Correspondent Caitriona Perry to his desk during a phone call with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on Tuesday.

Mr Trump sat at his desk in the Oval Office while talking to Mr Varadkar in Dublin. Members of the media were present for the beginning of the conversation when the pair exchanged niceties

“Hello how are you?…Congratulations on your great victory. We have so many people from Ireland in this country. I know so many of them too. I feel I know all of them. But I just want to congratulate you. That was a great victory that you had.”

Mr Trump continued: “We have a lot of your Irish press watching us… they are just now leaving the room.

“Where are you from , come here, come here, where are you from?” the president said gesturing to Perry to come over to his desk. “We have all of this beautiful Irish press, where are you from?” he asked the reporter again.

After telling the president who she was and which news outlet she represented, Mr Trump told Mr Varadkar: “Caitriona Perry, she has a nice smile on her face, so I bet she treats you well”, as Perry retreated back to the press corps. She later described the incident on Twitter as a “bizarre moment” .

‘He frightens me. Jesus, he frightens me’

Other Twitter users and media immediately picked up on the incident. Britain’s Telegraph newspaper Tweeted: “Did Trump just flirt with Irish reporter Caitriona Perry during a diplomatic phone call?”, while Mashable headlined its piece on the incident: “Trump creeps on reporter in the Oval Office, thoroughly grossing out the internet”.

RTÉ said Perry would not be commenting today, but a former Washington Correspondent for the broadcaster Charlie Bird described the moment as “fantastic” in terms of access for Ms Perry.


Impeach Trump now. He’s grossing out THE INTERNET!!!

ht/ the big owe

23 Comments on Trump “Grosses Out” THE INTERNET!

  1. Liberal Women Have Denied Themselves Real Men For so Long ! They Want a Real Man Alright , but Doing so is Self Defeating for Them !!!
    Shit I Don’t Know… Maybe They’ll Explode !

  2. Trump being nice is somehow creepy??? WHAT. Nothing quoted there is predatory, or flirtatious. Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, we have numerous photographs, footage and eye witness accounts of actual ‘rapey’ behavior.

    Stop grossing me out with your witchcraft and manipulations, MSM. Pretty soon I’m going to need a restraining order. 👎

  3. Sucks to be him. I could have snorted a line off the back of a shaved collie atop the Resolute desk while wearing nothing but a ball gag in front of the whole Western press, and they would have reported it as me having tea with nuns.

  4. Of course the left is upset. After 8 years of buying into a light in the loafers, limp wristed, gay Kenyan commie, hetero responses are foreign to them. Difference between Trump and the commie faggot? Conservative men have no interest in sex with the boss.

  5. The problem, of course, isn’t the sexual behavior; it’s the lack of any moral character. That, in turn, is what leads to lies, fake news, hypocrisy, and all manner of deviant behavior.

  6. The Left is creepy. All they ever see is color, gender, blah, blah, blah. They’ve taken reductionist thinking all the way to its illogical conclusion. They don’t understand anything having to do with the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. They’re mentally and emotionally stunted; operating at about an eight year-old level. You should see them in the WH press room. They’re on display there most week days.

  7. It’s just Hillary’s Hags, the Baby Boomer womyns, that are offended. They still think they’re so hawt at 70! So (great)grandpa saying that “Lolita” (who’s eggs are already past their “use by” date) “has a nice smile” is disrespecting them.

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