Leftist Witch Hunting Extends To Trump Lawyer – IOTW Report

Leftist Witch Hunting Extends To Trump Lawyer

Wash Exam-

The Democratic attorneys general in two states will investigate the Christian nonprofit led by an attorney for President Trump after a news report said it misused the money it raised.

The Guardian reported Tuesday that Jay Sekulow used his nonprofit, Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, to direct more than $60 million to himself, his family and their related businesses since 2000.

On Wednesday, the Guardian reported Josh Stein, the attorney general of North Carolina, and Eric Schneiderman, the attorney general of New York, plan to probe the operations of the nonprofit.

Stein told the Guardian in a statement: “The reports I’ve read are troubling. My office is looking into this matter.”


ht/ jc lady

17 Comments on Leftist Witch Hunting Extends To Trump Lawyer

  1. I like Sekulow, very effective and articulate. Trump chooses good people.

    Hmm, politically motivated lawfare attack against a respected conservative figure.

    And 2 AG’s, both coincidentally Jewish leftists, preparing to attack a Christian nonprofit. Announcing it with Alinsky-style personal attacks and character assassination

    Guess the Dems don’t have any Muslim AGs to attack Sekulow.

  2. Do the AG’s have to provide compelling evidence in order for the suit to go forward? I’m really amazed at how just, apparently, an accusation from a “news” source can be strong enough to launch a legal proceeding. Lawyers out there?

  3. I’d laugh if Sessions claimed there was no intent and that no reasonable lawyer would ever try to prosecute.

    ……but, what difference, at this point, does it make?

  4. Sessions as DoJ AG actually has considerable clout over theoretically independent State AGs.

    Time for Sessions to crack down, hard, in many areas of the battle space.
    This ain’t the Good Old Days, and Trump did not appoint him to be The Invisible Man.

  5. And nary a peep from those many Attorneys General in Republican led states concerning the fund raising and other actions of the various Clinton Charitable foundations?

  6. Jay Sekulow is a top-shelf individual. None of this foolishness would have happened if he hadn’t joined Trump’s legal team. This is typical garbage from the Dummycrats to be sure.

  7. I find it troubling that 2 Democratic attorneys general have lowered their personal and professional integrity to use the democrat tactic of character assassination.
    But that is the democrat party agenda.
    Maybe they’ll find a few degenerate democrat Judges to initiate a grand jury with no evidence.

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