Limbaugh says CNN’s Jim Acosta is like a little kitten chasing a laser pointer – IOTW Report

Limbaugh says CNN’s Jim Acosta is like a little kitten chasing a laser pointer

Daily Caller-


“Sarah Huckabee Sanders did the briefing. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, like Trump, is fearless. She cannot be intimidated,” Limbaugh asserted. “And, boy, did they try yesterday. She opened up with a statement about the CNN story that had to be declined, deleted, and canceled, and the three people were fired.”

Then, he slammed CNN’s Jim Acosta, who has taken to TV and Twitter to express his displeasure with the recent off-camera press briefings. Limbaugh compared Acosta to a little kitten that chases around a laser pointer.  MORE

12 Comments on Limbaugh says CNN’s Jim Acosta is like a little kitten chasing a laser pointer

  1. They’ve gotten away with it for years. Now, they act like they’re gut-shot for being held accountable.

    The irony is that it’s got to be painful for them to have to understand how to return to journalism. How do they break the right-bashing habit?

    I used to know punks like Acosta, and they bleat on and on until you knock them flat on their ass.

    Sure is fun to watch.

  2. I think one of the best comments on CNN’s WH press room behavior was made last week by Sean Spicer when he said that they’re all just there to set up their YouTube clips. The WH should revoke CNN’s press passes and put them out of the building. There’s no requirement the WH give media briefings. I get all the news I need from the daily WH schedule, Right Side Broadcasting (who just gives the raw video/audio), and C-SPAN. I don’t need a

  3. Britt Hume said it well the other night. The press conference is mostly for smaller news organizations to get to ask questions. The big news groups don’t need this, they can call the white house directly and get a response. And none of them should expect to get a news “scoop” from these conferences.

  4. Acosta turned heckler. Disruptive.

    I’d turn the cameras off permanently for the Q&A. Release a WH video of the Press Secretary reading the briefing online, so the networks have video to run.
    But that puts a total end to gotcha questions and Acosta style partisan grandstanding.
    That changes the whole briefing dynamic by leaving the Howling Mob with no cameras and no video.

    And WTH does freaking Playboy, a monthly “lifestyle” magazine with no breaking-news function and a 6-12 week minimum waitlist for features writing, have WH Press Credentials?
    And if Playboy has WH passes, why not QUILTING QUARTERLY and HOUSEBOAT LIVING?
    Nothing in the traditional courtesies that have evolved with the WH Press is required or mandatory. Their very presence, in silence with no questions and then dismissed, would still be completely voluntary and a WH courtesy.

    There’s a whole buffet of free perks the WH can extend or discontinue at will.
    Time the network bosses were reminded, good and hard.

    And CNN? Dead man walking. No more questions, no interviews, no talk show appearances by any US official for the next 8 years.
    They’ll wither and die. In desperation they will try to morph into a Sports or Lifestyle channel. Good luck with that to Zucker’s replacements.

    Move his seat to the back, then REMOVE it entirely, then not allow him into the room, then finally, allow him into the room, then take his press pass and kick him out.

    When you treat politicians differently, harass them and their family with lies, creating an environment of hostility, it’s pretty obnoxious and unjust isn’t it?

  6. I said before the election the Trump White House should use its own cameras and microphones at every event, press briefing, etc. and, besides providing the feed to the media, also post it on the WH web pages.
    The msm would have a hard time spinning anything if the raw, unedited footage is publicly available.

    If anyone does intentionally misquote or spin things (i.e. try to mislead the public), they lose WH access for 90 days. CNN would eventually be sending mailroom messengers to cover the WH when all their “reporters” are in the penalty box. LOL

    To make it sweeter, if a rival broadcasts on the air about the miscreant being in the dog house for misreporting – and names names – one of their own gets his access restored, or maybe a little extra access. The rival msm companies will be tearing each other’s throats out for the privilege of actually accurately reporting because the public will know whenever they’re being lied to.

    And DJT sits back with that smile he has. MAGA!

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