Why Wouldn’t Everyone Be Disgusted By An Illegal Alien Criminal? – IOTW Report

Why Wouldn’t Everyone Be Disgusted By An Illegal Alien Criminal?

Leftists will continue to lose elections because they have a bizarre reflex that isn’t shared by normal Americans. When a drunk illegal alien without insurance or a license mows down and kills an American citizen, normal people’s first instinct is to jail the guy until he could be thrown out of the country for good.

Not so a lefty. Some asinine, weird and ridiculous instinct kicks in and they get weepy and protective and rally around the parasitical sh*tstain, calling anyone with normal thoughts a bigot and a racist.



“My son is dead because politicians and local jurisdictions have put illegal aliens ahead of American citizens,” a grieving mother told a gathering at the National Press Club on Tuesday.

Maureen Maloney, whose son was killed in August 2011 by a drunken, unlicensed undocumented immigrant, was addressing parents and relatives of Americans who have been victimized by people who came to this country illegally.

“Sadly, more often than not, our legal system holds the criminal aliens less accountable than Americans, leaving families being victimized,” Maloney said. “Matthew paid the ultimate price. I am permanently separated from my son.”

She called it “outrageous” that some politicians and judges “are willing to protect the illegal aliens at the expense of American citizens.”

Maloney was speaking at the launch of a group called Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC), which represents people like herself who have lost loved ones because of the actions of illegal aliens. The group will focus on legislation, education and public policy.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), the guest of honor at the AVIAC launch, is a longtime advocate of the rule of law:

“These families are the equivalent of Gold Star Families,” King said. “They’ve lost their loved ones because we didn’t do our job in enforcing the law.”

King said the U.S., under President Trump, is now “on the cusp” of restoring the rule of law:


13 Comments on Why Wouldn’t Everyone Be Disgusted By An Illegal Alien Criminal?

  1. “Why Wouldn’t Everyone Be Disgusted By An Illegal Alien Criminal?”

    Because a lefty salivates at the prospect of taking a high hard one up the ass from an illegal alien criminal.

  2. The dems voter base consists of illegal border crosser’s, names taken from headstones, welfare ticks, and a large contingent of native born dimwits. They could care less if anyone gets in the way of that. Oh, and criminals!

  3. Today’s congressional debate will be the worn out, “what about the poor tired woman who came here with her children for security and a better life”.
    Yesterday, Homan, executive associate director of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations, briefed reporters on these bills. On queue, Jim Acosta excitedly cited a CATO Inst rpt how native born citizens commit more crimes than illegals and what about that???
    Homan, without missing a beat & no apologies, emphatically stated, when US citizen parents commit a crime we separate them from their children and jail them. The parent(s) made the choice. Same with illegals, by crossing our borders which is a crime, THEY chose to break our laws.

  4. Lefties only option of elevating themselves is by creating and fostering a “class ” of people beneath them. It’s all about that feel good feeling. Even to their own detriment.

  5. Yesterday afternoon the top headline in our local news ‘ICE agents arrest brother of man they shot weeks ago in Denver’. Clearly the lefty call to outrage. Of course they never mention why the brother was shot and if you actually read the story there is virtually nothing a rational person would be upset over. These are criminals, they’ve broken the law repeatedly and they live with a US citizen that also has a warrant out. It makes perfect sense to most law abiding Americans who are cheering these arrests and deportations.


  6. @Organgrinder & Annie Girl: You’ve captured the motivations of the Left.

    This is the story we all need to be comfortable and confident sharing: That the only way for the Left’s ideology to work is for them to lie about their Utopian fantasies of equality at any price. Progressive Democrats sacrifice American lives at their alter of mascot politics. They protect criminal illegal aliens for votes. They protect sharia- and jihad-loving refugees for votes. They weaken our democratic social compact through vote fraud of all types, including fighting against any system of internal control, like voter I.D., clearing the voter rolls of even known errors, etc.

    Why? Because they cannot sell their inferior product on its own merit. They have to cheat. It’s the same reason they are unable to clearly articulate their ideology and, instead, spend all their time attacking conservatives and moderates.

    I listened yesterday to the gut-wrenching testimony of parents and family members of some of those killed/murdered at the hands of illegals. It was devestating. The biggest crime of all is that Americans should have to beg their gov’t, their representatives, to enact legislation to protect them. This is the first and maybe only legitimate reason for having a gov’t at all.

    Keep praying, keep petitioning God for his Grace and justice in these matters.

  7. @Engleburka X 2 — Acosta’s argument for allowing criminal illegals to stay — which is really what his CATO report example was doing — because American citizens also commit crime, was one of the most sick, twisted ways of looking at this that I’ve ever heard. He tried to make a moral equivalency argument. Homan could have (should have?) called Acosta out on his sick argument by asking him if he really meant to say that Americans should also receive a slap on the wrist for their crimes, equal to the light or nonexistent punishment of the same crimes committed by illegals. It would have slapped Acosta right down.

  8. @geoff, don’t forget to take away their bodyguards’ guns. I’m told guns are more of a danger to their owners than protection anyway. It’s for their own good.

  9. AA. Everytime I hear someone trot out the faux moral equivalency argument, I want to scream what should be obvious to everyone.
    OK, for giggles let’s assume the skewed CATO stats are correct. So we have our own criminal element within native born population, of whom we can’t deport, but punish them with confinement.
    So why is it acceptable that we place a double burden on society with illegal criminals to boot???!!!

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