Pick your cancer – from the sun or the sunscreen? – IOTW Report

Pick your cancer – from the sun or the sunscreen?

Swimming in a chlorinated pool can turn sun cream ‘toxic’ – increasing risk of cancer, scientists warn


21 Comments on Pick your cancer – from the sun or the sunscreen?

  1. “MY INCESTUOUS FAMILY Brave woman reveals how she turned her own mum and dad in to the police after she discovered they were BROTHER AND SISTER”

    Yes, now I’m quite sure. It’s The Sun that’s killing me.

  2. Lazlo had skin cancer. Right on the snout. I attribute it to a man of Northern European descent being out in the sun in Arizona for 30 years.
    Having said that,
    The government says Eggs are bad for you.
    Until the government says they’re not

  3. Alla buncha shit. Mom’s folks were farmers, northern Montana. Raised their own grains, meats, poultry. NOTHING went to waste, all those evil parts of food fed to hogs before butchering and smoking. Every meal loaded with what we’re now told to stay the hell away from. Grandparents died in their early 90s when feds announced they were going to close down the saloon.

  4. Good Gawd — We put iodine in baby oil to slather on our bodies and lemon juice in our hair as teens when we laid out in the sun for hours.

    A little later in life, we started drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day (still do).

    Something will eventually kill you. Live your life to the fullest and forget what the gubmint, scientists, etc., tell you.

    After all, you might get hit by a truck tomorrow. 🙂

  5. I spend every chance I get on my motorcycle. It doesn’t take long to get burned with or without sunscreen. I just rather take my chances without slathering that crap over me. Sooner or later that big piano is going to drop on your head no matter how careful you are.

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