Fake News Network (CNN) Peddles Fake National Enquirer Cover To Try and Stain Trump – IOTW Report

Fake News Network (CNN) Peddles Fake National Enquirer Cover To Try and Stain Trump

Jake Fapper showed his Airport & Doctor Office Audience an example of Trump’s shameful propaganda, a story created by the president and his buddies to smear Ted Cruz.

The problem is, the cover he showed was never a National Enquirer cover. It was a fake.





16 Comments on Fake News Network (CNN) Peddles Fake National Enquirer Cover To Try and Stain Trump

  1. Is it possible that CNN is stupid enough to throw dumb stories out there simply to get people to come to look at CNN? How many time can the attention whore news network throw out these cry wolf stories before even their “stupid” audience gives up?

  2. Inigo

    No. Paul Ryan is a Republican. John McStain is a Republican. Turtle Boy is a Republican. We are Conservatives. And contrary to the Right Poop so is DJT. We are the ones that are armed.

  3. CNN’s average viewer age is 61.
    Millenials and Gen X get breaking news from some newfangled gadget called a “smartphone”. And at home, a “tablet”.
    They have Wifi, Netflix and streaming Amazon. But increasingly they don’t have Cable.

    CNN is for Boomers who grew up with it from 1980s on. So CNN’s audience is ageing and is not being replaced by new younger viewers.

    Cable Bundling is now all that’s keeping CNN on the air.

  4. The traditional american public is like a spittin mad dog straining on a frayed leash and these assholes are poking it with a stick. Good luck assholes.

  5. So, Palin sues the NYT and Ted sues CNN. Before you know it, Conservatives will own all of mainstream media lock, stock, and smoking barrel. BOOM,,,that’s what I call #MAGA

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