MSM Losing It Over Trump CNN Body Slam Tweet – IOTW Report

22 Comments on MSM Losing It Over Trump CNN Body Slam Tweet

  1. So, the MSM is now fearful of their lives? BWWWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAaaaa. Perfectly OK to have Mr Trump assassinated in effigy nightly in plays, having his head cut off by Kathy “mudflaps” Griffin, have his IQ questioned by the likes of MadMaxine Waters, Nancy “what year is it?” Pelosi, and Chucky Shmuckie Schummer.
    I cannot wait until you are all in the breadline.

  2. Their reaction demonstrates for all just how out of touch with the average person the elites in this country actually are.

    They will keep getting beat at the polls as long as they fail to recognize just how far up their own butts they reside.

  3. Yet nobody mentions the poor, damaged referee….He was clearly eye gouged, hit with a metal folding chair, put in the ‘Vern Gagne” sleeper hold, had the Shiekh give him the claw… and Maddog Vachon cursed him in his general direction…….

  4. The last time MSM had a Republican President, he rolled over and showed his belly to the Progs.
    They have absolutely no Idea how to deal with a Conservative President who made millions putting it over on those trying to do the same to him.

  5. So…apparently the silly MSM believes ‘rasslin’ is real, huh?

    Goofy, effed up bunch of lobbies will fall for anything Trump!

    BTW, the original was back in 2007…he threw some pretty good punches back then…and still does. MAGA!!!

  6. The more they scream, the more we know he’s doing it right. Grandma once told me ‘cry harder and I’ll give you a penny’. Grandma totally rocked. Keep On Tweetin, Mr. President!

  7. And while the MSM focuses on this ACTUAL DISTRACTION, Trump gets his work done. Brilliant!

    I want us to go back to calling the MSM “The Watchdog Media”, because it now fits so perfectly.

    Not because they are like well-trained, highly disciplined canine protectors.

    Because they are like your average back yard mutt: they won’t question why the stranger left a plate full of red meat next to their doghouse, nor wonder where he went afterward. All they know is RED MEAT!

  8. @ TT, knew a guy, he trained his dogs not to eat anything a stranger gave them, I learned how and did it too, It was funny, people would offer him treats, primarily the vet and his helper.
    They would offer, he would politely take it, drop it and look to me.
    Wouldn’t touch it until I said OK, vet got the biggest kick out of that.
    Put the food out for them, they will stay there.
    Dog, I love a God.

  9. ..they’d know that “if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out!”
    But they prove clearly that for a long time now, they prefer anything outside America and totally disdain America and it’s people.

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