UPDATE: Trump’s Tweet Puts Pressure on UK’s Death Panels – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Trump’s Tweet Puts Pressure on UK’s Death Panels

Right on cue, the left-wing media, just as we suspected, attacks Trump-

Charlie Gard is the infant born with a rare genetic disorder that the death panels in the UK have decided to cut loose.

In case anyone thinks Trump is grandstanding, the “NAZI” has done this before when he was a mere “greedy” mover and shaker in New York City.

more HERE

ht/ hope

26 Comments on UPDATE: Trump’s Tweet Puts Pressure on UK’s Death Panels

  1. Each and every one of the doctors on the panel in England (as well as any on the Euro rights tribunal) are violating their Hippocratic Oath. If there is a chance that their patient may live it’s incumbent upon them to support and assist. Their names and addresses ought to be hacked out and published.

  2. The British Military should go and escort that boy and his family to an awaiting Plane to America, and crack some skulls if somebody at that shit hole Hospital sets foot in the way.

  3. Good on Trump, I hope something gets set up.

    Now watch…if nothing comes of it, the Left will say “WHY DIDN’T TRUMP USING HIS BILLIONS TO FLY THEM HERE PERSONALLY?? TRUMP LETS THE BABY DIE!!!!!” when neither Obama, Clinton nor any Hollywood celebrity has even offered to do likewise.

  4. How does dying by the lack of medical attention in a cold, impersonal, edifice surrounded by incompetent ghouls compute to dying with dignity! But then again, this is England after all where they willingly spend millions of pounds each year on the creature comforts of a dowdy old matron and her retarded son!!

  5. My wife and I having cared for two terminally ill grandchildren, every avenue must be pursued. The Doctors and Nurses at Barnes Children’s Hospital in St. Louis did everything medically and humanly possible. Never was a decision made without the family. Anything less destroys all hope in humanity.

    Not so Great Britain, is losing their humanity step by step.

  6. Little Charlie could be the prime minister one day or a great doctor that saves the life of one of the fools that wanted to end his life. Let God decide what is best for him.

  7. Anyone who chooses to let a child die based on a medical diagnosis is a murderer. What if the diagnosis is wrong? The UK medical care is backward and getting worse so, like Cuba they pretend they are the best.
    I have relatives in the UK who recently brought a child here for surgery due to a rare brain tumor. The child has made several trips here for follow up and is doing very well. What is the real reason they want this child to die?

  8. The NHS isn’t concerned with the alternative therapy failing. They’re hoping it does fail.

    What concerns them is that it might succeed, even if by only temporarily extending the baby’s life.

    If that happens, there will be a huge outcry in England for alternative treatments to be considered, and the government can’t pay for them.

  9. Good point Bad_Brad. Also, parents could say the baby is questioning his gender (i.e. Chelsea Manning) and the left would fall all over themselves getting him medical care

  10. Nice update from a clearly unbiased reporter regarding DJT. He offers up two choices as to decide about Trump’s intervention: He’s selfish or he’s a calculating manipulator.

  11. Played that idiot from NBC again and the tooth grinding began. Trump is either a poisonous viper or a hungry great white shark.

    I am so sick of these media monsters who are either venomous black widow spiders hiding in your sock drawer or angry grizzly bears looking to rip your fooking head off.

  12. There is a dialogue going on.

    “Members of President Donald Trump’s administration have spoken with the family of a terminally ill British infant whose parents are seeking medical care in the U.S.

    White House spokeswoman Helen Ferre said later Monday that “although the President himself has not spoken to the family, he does not want to pressure them in any way, members of the administration have spoken to the family in calls facilitated by the British government.”

    “The President is just trying to be helpful if at all possible,” Ferre said.”

  13. NHS is really the Nominal Health Service and the ACA is really the Anti Child Act or in other words O’Bama care.

    Palin was right again, death panels are our future if we don’t drive a stake through the heart of this demonic scheme.
    We’re all just going to get sent home with “pills” instead of real treatments

  14. All of us keep praying for that
    little one. As to The Donald, the
    Bible tells us “By their works
    shall you know them”. His
    unselfish actions speak volumes
    about this man the God hating
    left wants dead.

  15. The thing about alternative, experimental, untested, and perhaps futile treatments that never occurs to the Socialist is that these are the infancy stages of miracle cures, treatments and technology.

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