The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations – IOTW Report

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

All through grammar school I was smacked in the back of the head by the teacher for saying “ain’t.”

Now, decades later, if you laugh at a student for saying “she be having that ham samwich,” you get assigned to sensitivity classes to avoid expulsion.



30 Comments on The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations


  2. Before the artificial pretentious term “Ebonics” was intentionally coined by the same sort of black professor who stole Hanukkah to invent the imaginary “Kwanzaa”, there were 200 year of descriptive terms for the inexplicable failure of some folks to learn normal English.

    The accepted educational consensus was this indicated individual cognitive deficits.

    Happily we are all enlightened now, and we know better.

  3. I had a low expectation, the new movie Wonder Woman. Allow me to tell you about it:

    I just watched the 2017 Wonder Woman. I waited to see the movie because the previews showed no Americana. An avid fan of the original tv series with Lynda Carter, I had hoped the movie would somehow evoke American pride in some way. It did not. I am glad it did not, now that I have seen the movie, I do not want the world to associate America with this cinematic abortion in any way shape or form. Thank you, makers of the 2017 DC comics Wonder Woman film, thank you for NOT emulating America in this garbage bin of a film.
    Now onto a few notes of the films woeful inaccuracies: In the beginning of the movie the male lead is flying a plane that gets 200 miles at most on a full tank of fuel. He flies this plane from Turkey to, I assume, somewhere in the Bahamas while being chased by ships. The scopes and the rifles were 30 plus years into the future. There was a 3030 lever action used by an American Indian who will never find ammunition during wartime in the battlefields of Europe. There were no American soldiers at the docks or battlefields near the end of World War One and those areas would be inundated with them. Instead, the characters who were soldiers were men from every nation in the same foxhole, like the U.N.? Back then they were segregated by country and ethnicity. The supporting male characters around the lead male were a social engineering experiment. The Indian was asked by WonderWoman what had happened to his people’s land and he pointed at the lead male (American?) and said “His people took it away”. He couldn’t have been too broken up over the matter as he later made smoke signals alerting him to where the German General’s location was. Another supporting male was a Scottish kilt wearing gent to was supposed to be a sniper but he couldn’t hit a thing because he wanted to be a singer. Yet another was a middle eastern grifter who didn’t even want to be in the war because he wanted to be an actor. In the end scene post war celebration I counted one singular American flag being flown, ALL People’s celebrating the end of the war were flying British flags. The list goes on and on in tedium and ad nauseam making me utterly and completely sick. A few final words about this movie and other action movies of late: The complete darkness, no lights, no camera, no action. CGI bullshit. Flying through the air in darkness. Fighting in darkness. Love scenes in darkness. Happy scenes in darkness. Dark scenes in darkness. Saying I want my two hours back does not compare to the way I feel. I looked at my husband after the movie finished and asked him what he would have rather been doing in the two hours we watched that movie. He answered, “Shitting, at least I would have produced something worthy at the end”. As it compares to the original series? It doesn’t. The original series started with peacefulness and light, portraying females as sweet goddesses who were also athletic and strong. Strong as women and warriors. The new and improved version only focused on war. Woman fighting, gnashing of teeth and dueling each other. The original series had women portrayed as ladies and scholars who were loyal to each other. The aborted version had them loyal to anger. I know why I avoid the movie theater, new movies are just plain caca. Give me 50’s movies with emotion, acting, lights and talent. Stop the nonsense. Stay away from the theater until they produce movies again.

  4. Ah, the joys of going to school in the sixties and seventies. I had a Spanish teacher in High School who would slap your desk with his clipboard if you didn’t roll your “r’s” or fail with the proper “ph” sound. LeMeaux was his name. Damn Frenchman. And, the teacher who taught the blind in our grade school who would also slap the kids upside the head. They became very independent real quick.

  5. Fur, it’s “habben”.
    “She be habben dat ham sammich”.
    And most declarative observations usually include the closing suffix “–an’ sheeeyit.”

    Vibrant. Diverse. Enrichment.

  6. Thanks NMRN for the review. I usually read reviews before I throw my money away which means I never go to see movies anymore as a good honest review nixes it for me.

  7. I got in big trouble in the 60’s when a male teacher smacked me and I punched him in the balls.
    My dad taught me to defend myself and I did.
    He took my said and filed an assault charge.
    That put an end to it.

  8. I keep a dictionary AND a thesaurus handy. Students don’t give me any grief. They know better. Requiring clear, intelligible English in order to get what they need is not too much to ask. I do help them with spelling if I’m compelled to bark “Look it up!”.

    Waiting on a note from the board one of these years, since I add to their vocabulary. This year it was ‘cretinous’. That’ll be fun.

  9. I don’t let anyone speak to me that way. I make them repeat themselves until they snap out of it. lol.

    Me: “I’m sorry, What was that?” [Repeat]
    After about the 8th time, just act confused and say, “DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?” lol.

  10. I went to school in the 40s and 50s. Nuns and Christian Brothers.
    Stay with me, this is a bit of a story.
    In the 60s, while in the Army, my ears were damaged by machinegun fire on the range. My ears rang for weeks. When I was discharged, the medic noted it on my discharge papers. As time went by, I was getting defter. I hid it to get on the PD. A friend at the American Legion suggested I apply to the VA for disability, which I did, and got it some years later. But during the process I was examined by an ENT, Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor who told me that my left ear was higher than my right ear. I was not perfect, as God created me. WTF? I attributed this to Brother Halbert who used to, daily, lift me up off my seat by the left ear. If American educators had a few Brother Halbert’s in their system they would be well off.
    But while I’m on the subject, I get great news like this from opening with IOTW Report in the morning. It starts my day. I hope all of you send a few bucks to IOTW REPORT this 4th of July

  11. bae bru wha?

    Every lily white blonde haired blue eyed brat on my road speaks Ebonics. Why?????? One has blonde dreads and thinks it makes her black. She is a ‘rap lyricist’ in her spare time. All the black girls think she is an effed up mess and avoid her.

  12. I grew up in the bucolic Appalachian mountains, I could compile a tome of hillbilly words and axioms. I’ve also found in my errant life that people everywhere use words and phrasing from their environment and it is not always a reflection of poor intellect, but “ebonics” is just fucking stupid.

  13. I felt kind of let down with Alien: Covenant, I’ll watch it again to
    verify. It was no Prometheus though.

    Fortunately I was edumacated in small town Nebraska schools. When a
    student needed help, they got it. My gradiating class was 27, I said SMALL TOWN schools.
    Our daughter is in a private academy and Mom is a homework NAZI. 🙂
    She will continue her education as long as I breathe.

  14. Know any teachers? Ask them to explain to you the theory of Universal Design. Yes, there are people who swear it works but, strangely, you never see it practiced. Wanna guess why?

  15. Back in the 50’s all black schools like in Harlem had high graduation rates and students could compete with any public schools as far as academic excellence. Back when there were two parent families and a premium was put on education. Thanks to the dems, all that is gone and all public schools are corrupted. What a shame.

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