The Great Replacement (of white people) – IOTW Report

The Great Replacement (of white people)

White people the world over have subsidized the birthing of minorities and made it unaffordable for large white families.

Whites are slowly being replaced.

ht/ billy fuster

18 Comments on The Great Replacement (of white people)

  1. @JustAl July 4, 2017 at 12:10 pm

    But, JustAl, you can’t expect Prinxesses to pick their own cotton! And grapes. And toe jam. What’s the point of being a Prinxess, if you can’t order something else to wipe your bottom or be killed?

  2. “Replacement.”
    Uh huh.
    Just a fig leaf: White REPLACEMENT >>> White GENOCIDE

    Does ANYONE TRULY BELIEVE that, when barbarians become a majority, there will be similar “indifference” and “tolerance” towards Whites?!?

    Bueller? Bueller?!?

  3. I dont care what humans look like in the future as long as they keep the Western ideas of liberty and individual freedom alive.
    But they will probably end up back in Pre Columbian savagery with a Muslim mindset.


  4. This is spot on. No matter how untrendy it is. You can’t even go into a grocery store anymore without hearing some jabbering from every other person. Enough is enough.

  5. “I dont care what humans look like in the future”

    I do. Why the all out assault on people with Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes orchestrated by people with blonde hair and blue eyes?

    For somebody that’s 22 years old I’m very impressed by Lauren Southern. She does get IT.

  6. What should be scary to the Western world is they thought of Europe becoming a theocracy like iran armed with nuclear weapons. It’s obvious at the rate it’s going the United States and Russia will eventually have to take Europe for a second time at the cost of millions of lives.

  7. Why is it cool these days to be indifferent to the eradication of white people, but not cool to be indifferent to the eradication of non-white people?

    And we’re not talking about “indifference” are we?
    In the halls of academia there is a call to eradicate whites. Why?

    If you wrap racism in the cloth of erudition, impressive sentence structure and poly-syllabic words, it’s scholarship, not just abject base bigotry.

  8. Brad I met a woman from Russia with black skin and Caucasian facial features and silky hair.
    She must have been from the crescent region.
    Quite beautiful lady.

  9. “I dont care what humans look like in the future as long as they keep the Western ideas of liberty and individual freedom alive. – Hanoverfist

    And THAT’S THE RUB: After decades (if not centuries, in some cases, e.g. blacks) the vast majority of “minorities” DO NOT and WILL NOT value said “Western ideas.”

    Your – as I would loosely describe it – “tolerance” today IS SUICIDE TOMORROW…for your and every other Americans’ children.

  10. It’s already over.
    According to every game show, drama, commercial, movie, documentary, advertisement, article, government program, etc, blacks are already the majority in the USA.
    Hell, if you turn on the TV right now, your odds of seeing black folk are 99.9%.

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