Sorry, Not Feeling So Independent Today – IOTW Report

Sorry, Not Feeling So Independent Today

Hate to break it to everyone, but we are not independent from anything until the left is eradicated from this planet.

On the day we are supposed to celebrate our break from tyranny there are daily reminders that we are pretty much back to where we started from.

Here’s one story. Read it while playing a John Philip Sousa tune.

(Yes, this is taking place in Canada, but until every leftist prairie fire is stomped out, especially just mere feet to our north, this stuff effects my mood.)

A Nigerian Christian, John Alabi, who’s been in Canada for 22 years, is a hardworking man who has 2 jobs in order to provide for his family. He’s also a landlord.

He was showing the apartment he owns to potential tenants and innocently entered a room with his shoes on. The current tenants are Muslims. They claim this was blasphemy. They went to Canada’s “We Will Punish People For Whatever It Is We Decree Needs Punishing” commission and were awarded $12,000 in damages.

The Rebel set up a GoFund me page to help the guy out. The Rebel community said, “absolutely not.”

They weren’t interested in paying off Islamic extortion, strong-armed by the tyrannical Canadian government. They said they’d help with legal fees if the man wanted to go that route.

Frankly, I’m not interested in paying any legal fees, either. Call me when a mob is storming Justin Trudeau’s house.

I can’t imagine a Christian demanding that commissions maraud with them over the landscape looking for slights by non-believers in order to punish them with monetary fines.

This is supposedly a religion, yet, wrongs are righted with a payout of casheesh? Sounds holy, don’t it?

There is no way leftists would ever make perceived slights against Christian dogma monetarily punitive for “the offenders.” But they’ll do it for Islam.

Strange, especially when Islam is not so good for the infidel citizens these days. You’d think a free nation would be looking for ways to quash the impact of such a demanding “religion” instead of being their muscle.



12 Comments on Sorry, Not Feeling So Independent Today

  1. Islam is not so much a religion as it is community organizing.

    It is organized to get everyone under the compulsion to submit to stone age morality or else you’ll be treated stone-agedily (using knives, bombs, ak-47/74s, rocks, and community peer pressure).

    If you won’t join you are killed dead, if you leave you are killed dead, if you won’t kill others you are killed dead, and if you criticize the community and its leader, you are killed dead. (See the common thread here?)

    No humor is allowed or you are killed dead (Achmed put’s it like these, “I keel you.”

  2. His “shoes” are two pieces of functional art.

    BFH, you should engrave your soles with reverse mohamhead sucking off a goat and have a nice long relaxing walk on the beach.

  3. So the guy was unemployed and home all day. How much you wanna bet he was living on welfare? So fricking stupid that we bring people into our countries who can’t even support themselves.

  4. The left have become hypocritical nazi fascist now trying to blame it on trump. The left wanna take away our freedoms. Cant have an opposing opinion because of the snowflake sjw lunatics who are highly triggered. Homosexuality is being shoved down our throats, pun intended, with these gender neutral bathrooms thanks to the left. God has been removed out of everything thanks to the left and you wonder why kids are packing guns to school now.
    This current culture is so corrupted, thanks to the left and they hate Trump because he is actually trying to turn around for the good of the people…and I didnt even vote for trump but he has proven himself by doing what he said he was gonna do. So he got my vote now.

  5. Politicians.

    45 years of OPEC Muslim petrodollars “invested” in buying our Politicians and Education systems to promote Islamic control.

  6. From Fur: “On the day we are supposed to celebrate our break from tyranny there are daily reminders that we are pretty much back to where we started from.”

    Not at all. We’re much worse off. Had the impositions we live under today been in force in 1775, we wouldn’t have stopped when we defeated the military force sent to pacify (enslave) us. We’d have finished with the troops sent here, loaded up on ships and gone to kill that king and every sonofabitch said “Yay” to his schemes for us even once.

  7. Go Fund Me has a term/condition outlawing funds for people accused of crimes.

    A fund wa set up for the young women busted for sending a classified report to the Independent.
    Her name was something like Victory or Rosebush or something.

    Anyway, I wrote to Go Fund Me three different times asking why the fund was not prohibited.
    Zero reply after the first “thank you for contacting us” email.

    The fund was never taken down. The $50,000 goal was reached, or almost reached. I quit looking when it hit the high thirties.

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