Best Trump/CNN Meme To Date – IOTW Report

Best Trump/CNN Meme To Date

Can’t get much better than this…  —-> Here

ht/ lead salad


43 Comments on Best Trump/CNN Meme To Date

  1. You need Photoshop or After Effects, or some image manipulation software.

    Take a video clip, convert to frames. Prepare the material that is going to be put into the clip. (Different heads and facial expressions. Size it, match the colors. Then, frame by frame put your new material over the old material.

    Save as a gif and upload to gif hosting site like Giphy.

  2. Cannon fired by the British, the cannonball decapitates a American Patriot with CNN logo on his face.
    I’ve never thought of CNN as a patriot or patriotic.
    I don’t get it.
    The cannon should be fired by American Patriots decapitating the British with a CNN logo.

  3. @Charlie WoW – Agreed! Best so far.

    Next: Think Alien – How about a little Trump popping out of Sean Spicer’s belly, especially if it is possible to use the Kathy Griffith bloody Trump head on the little beastie.

  4. Re: How to make these.

    GIMP is a free image edition suite. It’s not Photoshop, but it does more than the vast majority of people will ever need to do.

    There might be an automated way to do it that I don’t know about (which would suck), but you basically need to take a video clip and break it up into individual frames using ffmpeg or something. Edit each if the individual frames in Gimp – like a stop-motion animation sequence – (yes, it’s a pain in the ass to do this), import those individual frames into a new image as layers (in the right order) in Gimp, and export the image as an animated gif.

    Non-animated graphics are easier, but maybe less fun.

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