CNN Police – IOTW Report

CNN Police

21 Comments on CNN Police

  1. the only thing missing are swastikas from the cnn gestapo brown shirts. The ridicule and scorn being heaped upon CNN has been absolutely hilarious, and devastating. Although it will survive by infusions of billions of someone’s charity $$, their network is TOAST.

  2. I have heard from several sources this morning (to include CNN) that CNN “outed” the wrong poster. The GIF that Trump retweeted was not the one Hans Asshole Solo put together. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  3. Good heavens. I don’t watch CNN, so at first I didn’t get it. So went back for another look, and gads, BFH, even looking closely, it took me until I saw Coops-in-pants, to realize what I was seeing!!! Amazing. Then I figured out the logo on the guy (wasn’t that the Benghazi video guy?). BFH, you are a mighty and multi talented guy.

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