Please President Trump, Make Ending This Your Next Order Of Business – IOTW Report

Please President Trump, Make Ending This Your Next Order Of Business

Do I want to see people dying in the streets because the welfare state ends as we know it?

It’s called collateral damage for the greater good. It’s your choice if you want to die or not.


This lowlife fat bint ruins my day. If I could push a button and she would painlessly disappear, would I do it?

Show me the button.

Here, let me ruin your day —> Brooklyn mother of 3 says she proudly rapes the government (us) and won’t get a job.

ht/ Shazzam

38 Comments on Please President Trump, Make Ending This Your Next Order Of Business

  1. From the comments at the link:

    ” Yulcan kizzmeazz • 3 hours ago
    I’m from the ghetto and this is why it’s hard to make it out. Were born with weak ass parents who don’t give a fuck. Like this bitch. Im out tho thanks to myself. I’m never going back to the hood.”

    I can think of at least 3 school friends who had to raise themselves. 2 from the ghetto, the other one was from low middle class.

  2. Do you want to put up with this skank all day at YOUR workplace? And a dozen more like this? Then your workplace gets downgraded to the 3rd world.

    I prefer to pay taxes so these people stay HOME, cuz you cut welfare, the gov’t will for places to hire these dummies, and then you have to work twice as hard to do your job AND theirs.

  3. You don’t have to shut off welfare but you do have to redefine what poverty is. Are you in poverty because you don’t have hispeed internet? Are you poor because there is only one cell phone in the family with limited monthly minutes? Because you have to cook rather then eat out to stretch the budget and feed the family? The government has to step in and start putting some rules in place on what can be purchased or more to the point what can’t be purchased with federal money. Antics like the one in the video can’t be tolerated and that person needs to get a visit. Hell, if Clinton and Gingrich can get together in the 90’s and enact welfare reform then Trump and Ryan ought to be able to do it.

  4. Back when I lived in California, being homeless meant you didn’t have your own home. It had nothing to do with being out on the street. Just that you were counted as homeless because you lived in an apartment. Easier for illegals to get extra $$$.

  5. Dr. Carson comes from the same kind of neighborhood, but since his mother wasn’t a worthless pig like this person she had a child that turned out to be a great American. I think it’s time for this low life scum to learn how to fend for themselves!!!

  6. My epiphany.

    I used to not pay attention to these issues. But there was this article in the Boston Globe back in 1992 or thereabouts about a Puerto Rican woman being charged for intentionally scalding a young child’s hands in boiling water. I forget what his transgression was.

    A reporter showed up at their domicile midweek during the school week with many children of school age laying about watching television. The perp was a Puerto Rico immigrant. As I recall she had reproduced mightily and her offspring did the same. When confronted by the Globe reporter about why kids are laying about during school hours the woman became hostile. When asked why taxpayers should be supporting these cockroaches she snapped. “Tell them to just keep paying.”

    At that moment I got it. Prior to that I thought those on assistance needed it.

    Funny how I arrived in Massachusetts an uninvolved, disinterested party boy, but left 4 years later a rock ribbed conservative, staying one extra day to vote against Ted Kennedy before leaving for good.

  7. Most serious honest “welfare reform” discussions seem to eventually come around to one of these:
    1. An enforced return to some version of genteel slavery, with nice catchy feel-good euphemisms to describe middle class families mentoring, instructing, advising and exerting kindly control over, individual welfare families.
    The goal would be to propel Welfare’s into Working or Middle Class within 10-15 years at most.
    2. Government work factories, with mandatory residential housing. A cross between a 19C “work house” and many large Chinese manufacturers. Mandatory classes in citizenship and “skill sets” with promotions/demotions as incentives.
    3. Glorified prisons, with sweatshops, for the uncooperative (see 2.).
    4. Death camps, either “nice” or not.
    5. Mandatory contraception for all participants above. Mandatory large scale adoption for all children currently in the Old Welfare system.

    All these have huge drawbacks and require a massive unified Government enforcement.
    Or, an EMP. Or a pandemic of 40% of the population.
    Discuss at will.

  8. Tony R., I’ll bet her earrings aren’t cheap knock offs, and her make-up isn’t from Walgreen’s (unless she stole it). She is probably eating the prime rib we can’t afford.

  9. Funny. It never occurred to me to turn to the government when I was poor. And believe me I was poor. I re-evaluated myself and set upon a strategy to elevate myself. Hard work. Smart thinking and proper decision making fixed that.

  10. Cultural appropriation brought to us by Rachel Dolezal?
    Who can’t forget that NAACP poser. Jobless, feeding her family with food stamps and expecting to be homeless, the only work she has been offered is reality TV and porn. Changed her name on all her legal documents, but still recognised wherever she goes. People point at her and laugh.
    If a senator from Massachusetts can pretend to be an Indian, why can’t this Latino talk like she’s a black American?

  11. Old neighbor was a flaming radical 3rd generation mega liberal from Faggotville. The little darling moved to Portland, wound up with Master’s in Social Work. Got a gummit job taking care of Free Shitters. Niglish speaking Free Shitters were indescribably rude, hostile, and demanding. After a couple months of this shit, she became a Republican. About 10 years later she reverted back to the dark side, became Department Head of Women’s Studies. Not sure she can be saved.

  12. She may not be working for peanuts, but she looks like she working for pen*s. What a worthless, mental case.
    The welfare well may never run dry, thanks to progresives, but you can bet this idiot and her brood are headed for disaster.

  13. I got called for jury duty again. Second time in a year and a half. January 2016, we found two doctors not guilty of malpractice and awarded $0 to the illegal who brought the suit on behalf of his brain-dead American citizen wife. The case was sad, but it was clear the doctors were not at fault.

    I hate, hate, hate getting the summons, but I really like being able to shut off the spigot when it is warranted and possible. This bitch better be glad she’ll never wind up in a courtroom where I have the power.

  14. That is the face of social disintegration.
    That is how socialism metastasizes amongst the ignorant.
    That is why we need to bring “shame” back to the city square.
    This sad, pathetic woman is a product of 100 years of indoctrination through our “educational” system, a political system which has morphed into a personal aggrandizement and enrichment scheme, and a complete rejection of morality and common sense by the public institutions (such as Academia, Entertainment, the Media, and the Churches).

    There is much to be done and no easy (read: painless) way to do it.
    Parasites cannot be allowed to kill the host – it is the demise of the host AND the parasite – the parasites must be made aware of this simple fact.

    izlamo delenda est …

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