NY Judge sentenced to 60 days jail, 3 years probation – IOTW Report

NY Judge sentenced to 60 days jail, 3 years probation

Judge Leticia Astacio’s daughter yells ‘(Expletive) you, Judge Aronson’ after Aronson sentenced Astacio to probation.

USA Today: ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A City Court judge was sentenced Thursday to 60 days in jail plus three years probation for violating the conditions of her 2016 drunken-driving conviction.

Before Judge Leticia Astacio’s sentence was handed down, she spoke for more than 20 minutes, telling Judge Stephen Aronson of Canandaigua City Court, who is overseeing her case, that she had complied with everything the court had asked her to do and more.

“I’m not drinking. I’m not driving. I completed treatment,” she said. “I want this all to be over, but it’s not in my control.”

Astacio also blasted the relentless media coverage surrounding her case, referring to some journalists by name. She said many of the reports about her case contained misinformation and remained uncorrected.

“If you Google my name, you’ll find these stories,” she said. “The media is trying to break me.”

In February 2016 while on her way to work, Astacio was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated. A state trooper testified he found Astacio’s SUV on the side of Interstate 490 with extensive front-end damage and both driver’s side tires flat.

In August, she was found guilty of driving while intoxicated after a bench trial. Submitting to random court-ordered drug tests and abstaining from alcohol were among the conditions of the sentence Astacio received.  MORE

19 Comments on NY Judge sentenced to 60 days jail, 3 years probation

  1. She’s a Democrat who I’m sure will enjoy her 60 days in the slam and if she’s true to her word a further three years when she violates her probation. The thing is since she was elected she’s still collecting her $173K salary even though she hasn’t served in over a year. Triples All Around Boys!

  2. I actually feel a smidgeon sorry for her. (Please don’t throw darts at me!) Alcoholism sucks. As the daughter of a highly-functioning alcoholic and one myself, to manage this disease is a freaking nightmare. For a long time all you do is deny, hide, deny. I never want to hurt a sole. Thanks goodness for wonderful people and programs designed to help. I’ve fallen many times, but I keep faith in God. I would never drive while drinking, but I’ve been in scary times with others who did!

  3. This has had such an impact on her kids?! How about the impact you’ve had on them? Having her daughter blow into the breathalyzer and more than likely drunk driving with them in the car. How about the “impact” she has on other innocent victims everytime she gets behind the wheel?
    It’s everyone’s fault but her own. She takes no responsibility at all. She got off easy and I predict more tragedies ahead, unfortunately involving unsuspected victims.

  4. Still receiving $173k salary, and more than likely will continue being paid.

    It’s mind boggling how too many ppl think the govt provides services without a whit of where the money comes from.
    I think we should change the tax laws. Instead of the govt reaching into our pockets every paycheck or everytime we purchase goods, they should send us a bill at the end of the year reflecting line item expenditures v services rendered.
    Maybe then people would think twice on how they vote.

  5. 1) I want what’s best for my kids, so give me the maximum sentence instead of probation so I can be away from them longer?
    2) You don’t want probation? Okay, three years in the slammer.
    3) Since she can’t fulfill her official duties from jail, can the state please stop paying her? Or do they need a special election to have her removed/impeached?

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