This might not be very “bloggerential” of me, but it’s time for Ben Shapiro to just STFU – IOTW Report

This might not be very “bloggerential” of me, but it’s time for Ben Shapiro to just STFU

(See update at the end of this post.)

Ben’s Latest-  Does Being Presidential Matter Anymore?

We get it Ben. You don’t care all that much for Trump. Duly noted.

We get it Ben. Trump offends your high standards. Duly noted.

We get it Ben. If Trump implodes with an act so egregious, sinister or heinous, you are on record, you can never be held responsible. DULY FRIGGIN’ NOTED!!!

The Daily Wire should be renamed The Daily Whiner. It is well past the point of nauseating, this drumbeat. What is the desired ends of these interminable means, that all support for Trump cease? That seems to be the agenda, because no one could possibly be so insecure that they would have to issue a daily, uninteresting, reminder that they are not aboard the Trump train. Could they? It must be that their mission is to get everyone to turn on Trump.

The question then becomes why?  So we can return to the left winning?

We have 2 dots that Ben seems incapable of connecting. Trump winning has the left losing… big league.

That’s what Trump supporters care about, so much so that we risk being scolded by an annoying prick who so badly wants to say, “I told you so.”

Let’s see. On one hand we are making gains on the left and piece by piece undoing the nightmarish Obama era. On the other hand the potential wrath of Ben Shapiro.

Tough one.


JMV’s comment being elevated to the front of the class. –

I like Ben, he’s a pretty smart guy and has a lot of good views on a lot of subjects. However, his TDS is starting to piss me off. He fails to understand that Trump won because he isn’t part of the political establishment, nor is he a politician. He’s a knife fighter who will gut you like a fish and drink your blood if you take a run at him. Most of us like that because we are tired of the double standards that have been imposed by the left for the last several decades; they get to do and say outrageous things with impunity, while if a conservative says or does something like the left does, then all hell breaks loose, including those on the right shitting themselves because of bullshit self imposed rules like “we don’t do that” or “we are better than that” or “we can’t come down to their level” or “that’s not very Presidential”, well, screw that. We have a badass for a President who loves this country and is willing to do what is necessary to put us back on top, and boo fucking hoo if anybody has a problem with that.

Trump tweeted today-




34 Comments on This might not be very “bloggerential” of me, but it’s time for Ben Shapiro to just STFU

  1. I like Ben, he’s a pretty smart guy and has a lot of good views on a lot of subjects. However, his TDS is starting to piss me off. He fails to understand that Trump won because he isn’t part of the political establishment, nor is he a politician. He’s a knife fighter who will gut you like a fish and drink your blood if you take a run at him. Most of us like that because we are tired of the double standards that have been imposed by the left for the last several decades; they get to do and say outrageous things with impunity, while if a conservative says or does something like the left does, then all hell breaks loose, including those on the right shitting themselves because of bullshit self imposed rules like “we don’t do that” or “we are better than that” or “we can’t come down to their level” or “that’s not very Presidential”, well, screw that. We have a badass for a President who loves this country and is willing to do what is necessary to put us back on top, and boo fucking hoo if anybody has a problem with that.

  2. What JMV said.

    Ben Shapiro is not without talent, and I routinely watch his debates with the left and admire his abilities.

    That doesn’t mean he becomes immune to criticism.

  3. Shapiro and a dozen others like him are Leftist moles. Double agents.

    They aren’t genuine Patriots who are somehow inexplicably “confused”.
    They are Globalist Leftists. They WANT and INTEND their beloved Left to win.

    Their assigned behind-the-lines mission is to weaken the Right by infiltration. Sit at our campfires, speak at our Councils. Spread defeatism and confusion. Give bad advice. Constantly, incessantly. Undermine our leaders. Spread lies and attacks against our strongest fighters. “Trump should stop tweeting. Geller should stop the Islamophobia. Hannity’s too argumentative. Ann Coulter’s crossed the line. BLM makes some valid points. The undocumented are people, too. Both sides need to cool the rhetoric. It’s crazy to suggest Illegals voted in any real numbers. Snopes and MSNBC are credible sources. Attackimg the MSM is just fascism. We need to reach across the aisle and work with the Democrats. “President Pence” could do a better job and without all this embarrassing vulgarity.”

  4. These NT’ers have nowhere to go because they’ve declared Trump to be the enemy when it was always the Left/Liberalism that was the enemy. I’m fine with pushing Trump to the right but why would you declare war on him? He’s already given us Gorsuch and gotten us out of the Paris Climate Tax Accord. Some people can’t swallow their pride…er um principles…and admit they were wrong

  5. My problems with the president are
    1) he is not prosecuting Hillary
    2) he has not begun work on the physical border wall
    3) he has not replace Obamacare with free-market solutions
    Aside from that, I’m glad I voted for him.

    If this makes me a NT, then f*ck you

  6. The BIG flaw these clowns have is that they so want the approval of all the wrong people. It’s obvious that our opinions don’t come into the picture.

  7. Many of these elitist whiners seem to think of themselves as part of a “fraternity”, people who are super “into” politics, with their own vocabulary and secret handshakes, dismissing those of us who just want government to work for the benefit of all. Screw ’em!

  8. Romney was very Presidential, and the DNC still smeared him as a “nazi, racist, xenophobic, islamophobic homophobe” as Romney stared silently like a dear in the headlights with the occasionally outburst of “Well gosh darn it!… That’s not true.” after everyone already left the room.

    We’re in a street brawl with the democrats, and they’re better at it. Trump is a good street brawler. Romney and much of the GOP are not. They’re basically pussies, unwilling to be uncomfortable in order to win. So, they lose.

    Trump’s ability to deliver a big “Fuck You!” to the DNC smear machine worked. And if you think behaving “presidential” has more value than having a President in office who actually gives a damn about the US, then you’re a goddamn fucking idiot.

  9. Agreed to all of the above. It has been frustrating for years having politicians on the right who will not even respond to vile treatment from the left. I am thrilled to have someone simply willing to stand up to them. Do I think Trump goes to far with his Twitter comments? Sure, but nobody is going to be exactly like me, and I sure like what he is getting done. I wish the GOP legislators would get some spines.

  10. “Does Being Presidential Matter Anymore?”

    That little Dwarf should read what being non Presidential accomplished today.


    I think It’s important to remember he can’t just do any of that list by himself. He’s dealing with a bunch of little bitch RINOs. I sure hope they get primaried.

  11. “double standards that have been imposed by the left for the last several decades”

    There’s his problem. He has no idea what it’s like to live several decades.

  12. Ben Shapiro sounds almost identical to my nephew. They share Identical worldviews. My nephew expresses the exact same Leftist disdain and dislike of Trump as Shapiro does.

    But my nephew is only 13.

  13. I know some NTs. We are all Christians and have known each other since the early 80s. It’s like they are stuck in the past, still thinking that everyone loves America and just has a different idea about how to do it. They can’t grasp that the Democrats have embraced Leftism and that the GOPe are all in with them. My NT friends can’t face the fact that we are in a desperate struggle — a war for life or death of this nation. I point them to Conservative websites but they claim they are biased. I tell them that in the best of times it’s impossible to find unbiased news. Where people are involved, bias always comes with them. In war, we can’t afford to waste time finding bias-free news. Can you imagine looking for fair and balanced news reporting of Germany and Japan in WWII? NTers think that Republicans should not “punch down” against Leftism. That we are too dignified and Jesus-ee to stoop so low. They just don’t get it. Well. Jesus beat the criminals out of His Father’s temple with a whip — in public! “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the backs of fools!” Proverbs 26:3 The Democrat media deserves every bit of beat down Trump gives them. There is no “dignified” or “presidential” way to kick someone’s ass. Thank God that finally there’s someone man enough in the WH again to do it.

  14. Look: either Pamela Geller gets this ball-less GOPe midget in line, or the rest of the Right gets this monkey-on-a-leash and takes him where no one can be bothered by him anymore.

    He is dangerous. Too much financial support from destructive scum.
    Unfortunately, he is only one of too many Right-turds out there.

  15. Ben is positioning himself as the Martin Shkreli of the right.

    He’s painted himself into this corner where he has to walk a fine line between agreeing with Trump but really not liking it cause we’re better than that.

    I may or may not be better than this but I much rather Trump in the driver’s seat than the alternative.

  16. say👏it👏louder👏for👏the👏nevertrumpers👏in👏the👏back!

    ship up or ship out, benji (and everyone else like him).
    faux moral outrage isn’t going to help anyone or improve anything.

  17. Shapiro does not like Milo because he just makes ad hominem ads on his opponents, then Shapiro calls Trump an egotistical blow hard.

    Shapiro is well known for making intelligent arguments, but I have never heard him make one against Trump.

  18. Apparently Ben likes it when DC Elitist Establishment Rs go crawling to left on their knees apologizing for defending themselves and their RINO policies. He must be proudest when those EERs go whining they want to be liked and just want bipartisan everything.
    Too bad Ben.
    Those of us out here in the real world DON’T.

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