Caption Contest – IOTW Report

Caption Contest

Jack Posobiec tweeted this exchange:

Trump: “Did you cheat the election, Putin?”

Putin: “Do I look like Donna Brazile?”



Do your best in the comments and we will make them and tweet out the ones that get lots of thumbs.


89 Comments on Caption Contest

  1. “We found Michelle’s ancestors frozen in a Siberian cave.”

    “You can keep them. Just dont thaw them out or they will eat you out of house and home.”

  2. Putin: ” Honestly, if I wanted to illegally influence and undermine the US election I would have just “donated” to the Clinton Foundation.”

  3. Putin: “I’ll have more flexibility after my next election.”

    Liberal Retard Praetorian Guard Media: “COLLUSSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

    ……unless Obama does it, then it’s okay.

  4. Donald, whatever happened to that skinny half-black Kenyon fag who used to get on the news all the time and spout inane left wing crap while wearing a pink vagina hat and mom jeans?

  5. I got nuthin’, but man, I hope someone comments on the way Trump dominates that picture. From his steepled hands to that mane of hair, he looks like he owns Putin. The shirtless man on a horse looks chastened as hell. Finally, an American President who knows we can buy Russia several times over and isn’t afraid to use the leverage.

  6. Vlad: Donald, I envy you. TV, Beauty Pageants, Beautiful women, Big Buildings with your name on them, and now President of the US.

    Donald: Don’t forget the memes Vald. everything else is gravy, but those memes, Those memes are the icing on this yuuuuge cake. it makes everything worth it now. i love a good meme war.

    Vlad: I think you mean memoir?

    Donald: No! meme war, say it with me vlad, m-e-m-e w-a-r, meme war! got it!

  7. POTUS: How’s that reset button working for you?

    Putin: Not too well…I now have to negotiate with a president who actually loves America and her people. Damn those Dems for running the worst candidate in the history of your nation.

  8. Putin: ‘Radar Love’ is the greatest one hit wonder of all time…

    Trump: Nah Vlad, It’s Mungo Jerry and ‘Summertime’….less bras and more winning…

  9. I bungled the first one. This one’s better:

    “Vladimir Vladimirovich, do you have a refugee problem in Russia?”

    “No, Donald John. All those Russians who fled mother country are now some other country’s refugee problem.”

  10. President Trump to Vlad: Have I got a deal for you, you can have the Reading Railroad and I will take Park Place off you hands.
    Vlad Done, I love trains!

  11. I was editing and accidentally hit “POST COMMENT.” Correction!

    “I will give Ukraine back and give you 50 rubels if you grab Jim Acosta by the pussy.”

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  1. RESULTS for last caption contest – IOTW Report

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