Respect – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort:

You know, this is one of the things I love about Donald Trump.

Sure, he’s got an ego. And he likes to brag.

But he is not so completely self-absorbed and narcissistic to not be aware of the people around him.

And he always takes the time to show respect to our military and to our police.

When I saw this tweet last night, I couldn’t help but smile with pride.


27 Comments on Respect

  1. Thanks, BB. There’s a world of difference between “having an ego” (being braggadocio) and being self-possessed. The former is from insecurity, the latter from mastery. I’ve always detested false modesty in those who are genuinely able. And as far as his caring, most people aren’t familiar with the anonymous acts of real kindness he’s shown to strangers. He doesn’t like people to know about them.

    I’d really like to see this narrative about his ego put to rest.

  2. That’s my Trump. A swell guy. I think I told you guys before that I worked in several of his buildings in NYC, as a carpenter. One morning, about 10am he came in the building on a walk-through with several contractors. Five or six of us were sitting down having a coffee break. As he rode up the escalator he look at us, waved his hands and said. You guys are killing me, you’re killing me. Then he smiled and waved. We gave him a big cheer. A tough guy, but a great guy. There are so many stories about Donald Trump that we will never hear because of a jealous media. Bottom line? He’s a good man and a great American. May God protect him from all harm.

  3. I got in on the tail end of some interview with a Psychologist discussing Trumps I.Q. I gather it’s off the chart judging by the discussion I heard. He certainly impressed Putin. And speaking of Putin, as I run down the list of leaders, who would I trust? Merkel? The faggots from France or Canada? Poland, yep. The rest hell no. Putin’s not a bad ally when you look at the rest of the world.

  4. BTW I was in the US Marines. We were forbidden from using umbrellas – not part of the uniform.
    Obama having that Marine hold his umbrella pisses me off so badly, for the total disrespect that asshole has for that Marine, and all servicemen and servicewomen.

  5. No Brad. He only demanded excellence. Tough taskmaster. Like yourself. Abigail A. put me on to a great documentary on Trump’s Private Jet, the Boeing 757. Check it out

  6. On the subject of Umbrellas, I want to tell you a story, based on Obama asking /ordering a Marine to hold an umbrella over his head because it was raining.
    Some years ago the Class of 1965 from West Point had a little golf outing at MY course. These guys were all Generals, war Vets etc. Some had disabilities. The rules on the course were “Cart Paths Only.” The course was soaked and the rain never let up all day.
    Truthfully, if they had driven on the fairway, I would have ignored it. But they didn’t.
    When their event was over I had the privilege of driving one guy, a General, to the parking lot. I said to him “Pity you had such a shitty day.”
    He said, whaddayoumean. shitty day? Huh Sarge?
    Well Sir I said, it pissed rain all day, that’s not good for a good day of golf.
    He said. We’re Infantry, did we lose anyone?
    I said. No Sir
    Then he said. Then it was a great day Sarge. Thanks for the ride.
    The Class of 1965 West Point.

  7. This, to me, exemplifies that the President has a keen sense of situational awareness not typical in politicians (who focus on “self” and not “other”). This small, almost insignificant gesture has endeared me to him as person more than I expected.

    Besides, do you know how much that Cover (hat) costs on a Marines pay? May God Bless Donald Trump and may he always retain his humanity.

  8. All the times I’ve seen that faggot under the umbrella held by a proud and brave US Marine, I never noticed the faggot was standing in front of an Islamic country’s flag.

    Isn’t the faggot with AIDS yet?

  9. Mr. Trump is one of my heroes. He just might surpass Mr. Reagan’s greatness. It take humility, respect for our military and compassion to attempt to help that marine.

  10. I consider PDJT a true ‘gift from God’. As a nation, we were brought down so low by the ‘fageleh’ that we felt we were done for…and then–Trump, who had been planning for years, apparently, just how to bring America back to greatness. Surely, he has been inspired by our Creator because there is no such thing as coincidence.

    That, I believe, is why the left is still so upset they’ve become insane–because they know PDJT is being directed to save this nation–and they absolutely do not believe in God!!!

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