Lunatic Old Prospector-Looking Adulterer Says Multi-Billionaire Businessman “Couldn’t Run a Dairy Queen” – IOTW Report

Lunatic Old Prospector-Looking Adulterer Says Multi-Billionaire Businessman “Couldn’t Run a Dairy Queen”

What a sad specimen David Letterman has become.

He had a quick wit back in the day, but always refrained from speaking too deeply on his show about social and political issues.

He’d offer a generalization and then quickly derail the subject with an off-handed goofy remark and move on. I always thought it was a choice so the show wouldn’t get too political. One day I realized it was because he is woefully out of his depth. He is not a smart man. He’s a simple man filled with ego and anger.

In the later years of his show he would offer some broad brush dumbass lefty comment and elicit applause from his equally dumbass audience, look down at his desk with a furrowed brow, wait for the audience to stop barking, and then mumble something nonsensical, halting the shows comedic value in order to make an insipid political remark. Then, after the show, he berated the staff, perplexed as to why Leno was beating him in the ratings.

As I said, he’s simple.

Now, in retirement, looking like a loon, he’s speaking his mind freely, and it’s… it’s…

Well, read–>


Former late-night television show host David Letterman says that people need to “stop whining” about President Donald Trump and instead “figure out a way” to remove him from office.

Speaking in an interview Monday with The Associated Press, Letterman said he’s “tired” of “people, daily, nightly, on all the cable news shows telling us there’s something wrong.”

Instead, Letterman said, “I just think we ought to direct our resources and our energies to doing something about it.”

“If the guy (Trump) was running Dairy Queen, he’d be gone,” Letterman said. “This guy couldn’t work at The Gap. So why do we have to be victimized by his fecklessness, his ignorance?”

Trump’s behavior, the former television host said, is “insulting” to the country.

“But it’s just the behavior is insulting to Americans, whether you voted for him or not – and I feel bad for people who did vote for him because he promised them things that they really needed and one wonders if he’s really going to come through,” Letterman continued. “I know there’s trouble in this country and we need a guy who can fix that trouble. I wish it was Trump, but it’s not, so let’s just stop whining about what a goon he is and figure out a way to take him aside and put him in a home.”


I’m actually embarrassed for him.


25 Comments on Lunatic Old Prospector-Looking Adulterer Says Multi-Billionaire Businessman “Couldn’t Run a Dairy Queen”

  1. Never a big fan when he had a show. He wasn’t entertaining enough to watch.

    He’s had widely reported heart problems and lots of complex Rube Goldberg surgeries. Just like Bill Clinton.
    Seeing him now in interviews, I see dementia. He’s visibly slow of speech and lags in reaction time. I expect he’s got some blockages and possibly TIAs.

    He’d fit right in on The View. Other than being even duller and even less informed than Whoopi.

  2. He misses his writers more than anything in the world. It must be tough for him when everybody expects dry wit and cutting sarcasm, and all they get is their weird, cranky uncle.

  3. Trump’s behavior, the former television host said, is “insulting” to the country.

    If Letterman was happy with the last insulting bassturd that occupied the White House, it’s a given that he isn’t going to be happy with the current one.

    Go Trump, MAGA!!!

  4. When Johnny Carson died, people commented about how soon it was after he retired. This old fart could die fossil could drop dead tonight and people will talk of how he lingered. He does linger like a wet fart in a humid room.

  5. Dave was pretty funny in the late 80s/early 90s. My old friend Dieter used to go to explode things and make snow.

    Now Dave is just a pitiful excuse for a comedian bc he no longer has writers. Kind of sad, really. I also HATE that stupid beard–he used to look so clean-cut, but ñow he looks homeless and smelly!!!

  6. Sez the a-hole who got caught boffing a staffer 30 yrs his junior, and had to publicly apologize for humiliating his wife and son.
    Biz related or not, people in glass houses Dave….. Harry must be so proud his father who looks like his dodgy senile bitter gramps is a double whammy.

  7. Do these people think Trump was just walking down the street to his job at McDonalds one day and some NBC executive saw him and said, “You know, I think he would look good playing a high powered executive on a reality sow called the Apprentice?”

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