Sanders Swears He Was Going To Redistribute the Money He Gained Through Bank Fraud – IOTW Report

Sanders Swears He Was Going To Redistribute the Money He Gained Through Bank Fraud

Getting Hot: The FBI Probe Into Bernie Sanders and His Wife is Growing

12 Comments on Sanders Swears He Was Going To Redistribute the Money He Gained Through Bank Fraud

  1. “On January 10, 2016, in the midst of Sanders’ sudden stardom—just weeks before the votes in Iowa and New Hampshire—the U.S. attorney for Vermont was sent a “Request for an Investigation into Apparent Federal Bank Fraud.””

    But..But…wait….Conrad Bernie says this a a Trump witch hunt.

  2. His vote flow should be Good For Conservative , Most Sanders Voters I know were too Worried about a connection to Trump otherwise they’d have voted Republican .

  3. That cranky little prick will be in a corner soon and like the rat he is will turn on everyone else. I expect he will throw his wife overboard first. This is getting entertaining.

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