On Anniversary of Seth Rich’s Murder This Happened – IOTW Report

On Anniversary of Seth Rich’s Murder This Happened

This could be something. Could be nothing.

Russian hack unlikely, source more likely an insider using thumb drive.

ht/ all too much

18 Comments on On Anniversary of Seth Rich’s Murder This Happened

  1. I’d like to believe it was something. Every day that passes the cover up grows stronger. As connected to the web as he was I believe he left a trail. I hope he was that smart. There’s no question in my reasonably sane mind that he was murdered.

  2. Too many coinkydinks wherever the D’s go. Too, too many. I’ve known one person, personally, my entire life who was murdered and one person who I know of through a friend who was murdered. One was a crime of insanity and one of passion. I bet if you did a bubble map of all the D connections and all those dead — just in the past 20 years — it would make a creepy picture.

    I think he got the emails/data, got caught, and someone in the gov’t murdered him. According to a friend (?) he was on his way to the FBI later that morning, presumably with the info he had. So where is his laptop and other electronics?

  3. If it ain’t solved in 48 hours, it gets harder and harder. Hard to solve a cover-up. Two shots in the back, a “botched” robbery with nothing taken from the victim, no street videos available? Som Tin Wong. Vince Foster and Marcy Park comes to mind. Remember Bill Clinton fired the FBI Director the day before Foster was found dead, and the Park Police did the investigation. The fucking Lame Stream Media had no questions. But they are still on the “Russian Collusion” case. What a bunch of asswipes.

  4. I have never had anybody I know that
    was murdered.Cancer,heart attack,suicide
    but never murder.I am 63.The Clinton’s
    knew some 60 people who died of murder.

  5. Let’s see, we have Capital police “investigating” the Awan bros, DC police “investigating” Seth Rich murder. Both cases 1+ year old. Seemingly no progress or resolution in either case.
    My gut tells me, these LE agencies, given their geo location, are as “malleable” as our corrupt congress wish them to be, and nothing will come of this.
    In particular, why is the Awan case under CP purview? Should be investigated by FBI.

  6. I had a thought yesterday…

    People say he wasn’t robbed bc his wallet etc. were left untouched.

    But…what if he had a flash drive or two on him? And THEY were taken? No one would know unless he told someone he had them.

    Just a thought while doing boring laundry.

  7. Moe Tom, I didn’t know Clinton fired the FBI director the day before Vince Foster was found. But then again, if it were suspicious, I’m sure I would have heard about it on CNN.

    Thx for the reminder on that one.

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