Check Out Time – IOTW Report

Check Out Time

The Independent-

A South African tourist was hospitalised in Amsterdam after she was pushed down a flight of stairs in Amsterdam by her Airbnb host.

Filmmaker Sibalhe Nkumbi, who is studying in Europe, was in Amsterdam to review a friend’s art exhibition when the incident – which was caught on video – took place on Saturday.

She was checking out of her Airbnb late when the host lost his temper and threw her down the stairs. He had been summoned by his wife.

Airbnb could not confirm the arrest of the man in the video, but Director of Diversity and Belonging David King told The Independent, “Nobody should ever be treated like this and it will not be tolerated.”

He added: “Appalling and unconscionable behaviour against members of our community runs counter to everything Airbnb stands for. Our CEO Brian Chesky and I are reaching out to the affected guests. We will take the strongest actions we can against such abhorrent conduct, including banning people for life from our platform and assisting law enforcement with their investigation and potential prosecution.”

12 Comments on Check Out Time

  1. Oh Brad. I believe BNB stands for bed & Breakfast. You can go online and make reservations through this, but I don’t know for sure so I’ll go online and find out if I’m a complete idiot or not. 😉

  2. So. Because she’s special, from South Africa, and there to review a friend’s art exhibit, the rules don’t apply to her? Damn lucky she wasn’t tossed out the window instead. All her shit should have been thrown in the dumpster. Tough love special snowflake.

  3. That was enjoyable. I’m just guessing but she checked out late and the host probably had people waiting, she gave him attitude and probably stiffed him on the charges. The host sounded mid eastern and a woman talking back to a muzzie is to them, no different than a dog nipping at it’s owner.

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