Chuck Schumer and the Snortable Chocolate Factory – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer and the Snortable Chocolate Factory


In his latest crusade to save us from ourselves, Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is calling on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate snortable chocolate.

“This suspect product has no clear health value” Schumer said in a statement seen by AP. “I can’t think of a single parent who thinks it is a good idea for their children to be snorting over-the-counter stimulants up their noses.”


People using this must think it gives them a crack-like high, until they realize it makes their nose and snot look like they’ve had their face in another kind of crack.



9 Comments on Chuck Schumer and the Snortable Chocolate Factory

  1. It must be nice that there is nothing more serious to hold the attention of our top lawmakers. The trouble is, there is nothing too small in our lives for them to want to control.

  2. Too bad UpChuck can’t folllow his oath of office Instead of trying to stick his nose in everybody else’s business.
    He is largely responsible for the do-nothing Congress.

  3. @Extirpates — “He is largely responsible for the do-nothing Congress.”

    He is entirely responsible for the the obstruction of both Trump’s qualified nominees and pending legislation. Did you listen to the press/media briefing on Monday. Everyone is waiting for an up or down vote in the Senate on a raft of Trump nominees for everything from NAS, HUD, Interior, etc. It’s shameful.

  4. Actual headlines:

    “Schumer: If White House interferes in Russia probe, it is ‘possibly criminal’–April 28

    “Schumer wants Sessions, Rosenstein to appear before Senate”–May 10

    “Schumer: No new FBI director without a special counsel on Russia”–May 14

    “Chuck Schumer invites Donald Trump to testify about Comey and Russia”–June 11

    “Schumer All But Accuses Trump of Treason Prior to Putin Meeting”–July 6

    “Schumer Calls On FDA To Regulate ‘Snortable Chocolate”–July 8

    One of these things is not like the others. What’s up Chuck?

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