Why are you in custody? Because YOU are Too Tight! – IOTW Report

Why are you in custody? Because YOU are Too Tight!

Shia LaBeouf’s drunken rant is Hollywood personified. Whatever he’s on is truth serum.

In the other video linked below he tells a black cop that Trump doesn’t care about him and that he’s a bitch and he has “more millionaire lawyers than you’d know what to do with.”

Shia needs serious help.

32 Comments on Why are you in custody? Because YOU are Too Tight!

  1. Actual bashable Shia Labeouf.

    He was so entertaining with that stupid flag of his that kept getting stolen. Why can’t he go back to playing keep away with the Pepe people?

  2. First thing every smart person knows when the police are present: NEVER COMPLAIN; NEVER EXPLAIN. All of this will be very entertaining when it gets played in court.

  3. Shia you want vodka a disfiguring piercing your haircut must cocaine be edgier trump is laughing scotch at you no ignoring you more cocaine suck your braid and dip it in jack mmmm Shia you look angry the keys are over there

  4. The comment section is comedy gold !

    Yup • 26 minutes ago
    “He will not divide us!” – said Shia’s 2 buttcheeks
    “Wanna Bet?” – Shia’s Cellmate
    •Reply•Share ›

  5. He will cycle through the shitstem until he’s dead or in for long enough stretch to get and remain sober.

    His ass will have to scrape a harder bottom than this for that to happen.

    Don’t start kids. Just say no.

  6. Just the product of a normal liberal upbringing:
    LaBeouf has described his parents as “hippies”, his father as “tough as nails and a different breed of man”, and his upbringing as similar to a “hippy lifestyle”, stating that his parents were “pretty weird people, but they loved me and I loved them.”[8][10][18] During his childhood, he accompanied his father to meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous.[7] LaBeouf has also said he was subjected to verbal and mental abuse by his father, who once pointed a gun at his son during a Vietnam War flashback.[10] LaBeouf has stated that his father was “on drugs” during his childhood, and was placed in drug rehabilitation for heroin addiction, while LaBeouf’s mother was “trying to hold down the fort.”[8]

  7. “The cuffs are too tight! the cuffs are too tight!”
    Comedy gold at Hollywood parties.

    Yeah, this little performance ought to get his career back on track, and those big offers rolling in.
    Maybe he still has a shot at Gay Porn.

  8. One of these days he’s going to mouth off to the wrong person, and get a severe ass kicking, followed by a trip to the emergency room and a lengthy hospital stay. I hope it will be recorded when it happens.

  9. @rottylover
    Yep, especially since he was a Disney channel ‘star’.
    Most of those kids, if not all of them, are in the very least propositioned by the people behind the scenes. Most of them are molestation victims who are taught to comply with whatever they do to you and you will be ‘rewarded’.

    Anyone else remember how he freaked out a couple of years back and claimed that a random woman raped him at an ‘art’ event he was holding?
    Shia has too much money to ‘fill the void’ his abuse has wrought and no Christ [although a few years back, right before the ‘rape’ allegations, he claimed that he had become a christian], that is what is truly eating away at him.

    Just makes me wonder how much of this is him being a selfish little douche, and how much of it is him being a twisted lonely abusee? I find it hard to laugh at him. [I did laugh at the pepe vs shia flag bs though but who wouldn’t?]

  10. Kek and 4chan really did a number on him. He has to be in a mental state nearing self dispatching. He’s about one toke over the line and heading for a long bottom out soon.

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