Was Russian Lawyer at the Center of Trump Junior “Sting” Colluding With John McCain – IOTW Report

Was Russian Lawyer at the Center of Trump Junior “Sting” Colluding With John McCain

Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya Posted Picture on Facebook from inside John McCain’s Office

Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya posted a pic from inside McCain’s office in Dec 2015 and posted it on her Facebook page.


As the suspected leaker of the “Trump dossier”, it’s pretty damning when the Rino senator had already met with the woman who is at the center of the Trump set-up.

You’d think that McCain would have told his butt buddy, Lindsay Graham, that he knows the woman. Instead, we have McCain and Graham knitting brows and pursing lips in the halls of the senate as they tell reporters that this is “very, very concerning.”

We need an inquiry STAT!

ht/ nm

23 Comments on Was Russian Lawyer at the Center of Trump Junior “Sting” Colluding With John McCain

  1. The problem with corporate news media is nobody seems to have the brain wattage to actually dig deep and make sure this smear doesn’t splash back on their favored party and politicians. They opened this Pandora’s box and actual investigative journalists are discovering the dots all connect back to Obama, the DNC and other anti-Trump zealots in government. I think they’re going to rue the day they went down this road.

  2. Getting weirder by the minute…

    “The Russian lawyer…has been identified by the [Russian] Federal Security Services (FSB) has been working as a “private snitch” (informant) who was working under the direct command of former FBI Firecto James Comey– and who after successfully b penetrating the Trump campaign was “rewarded” br her receiving a lucrative contract with The McCain Institute.”


  3. What did Benjamin Wittes know, and when did he find it out? From his June 23 tweet:

    “Day 154: In honor both of the President’s “WITCH HUNT” tweet and of the expected magnitude of the detonation…”


    …and from his Twitter yesterday:



    Keep it up, big mouth. You’ll get your subpoena.

  4. 1. She’s not attractive enough for an ongoing honeypot trap. But they may have been angling for some later solo encounter after which she could accuse DJ2 of “rape” or “harassment”.
    2. Deep State involvement almost guaranteed.
    3. Wannabe players are always trying to set up meetings on bait and switch pretexts. Like telling the intermediary you have Useful Info then defaulting to your real agenda. You still scored the aborted 3 minute meeting and can tell your small fry bosses whatever lies they want to hear to advance you. Major time waste hazard.

  5. No one asked, but here’s what I think:

    I believe to the core of my being that Trump’s win was brought about through divine intervention. It was God’s answer to prayer and petitions of believers. And because Trump has been appointed, God will give him everything he needs to accomplish whatever it is God sent him to do. Don’t be alarmed by the word “appointed”. It’s “appointed”, not “anointed.” Just as God appoints all believers, every day, in large and small ways, to do His will. But Trump isn’t alone in all this. We must continue to pray for God’s divine guidance. So far, everyone seems to be up to scratch. The reason Trump’s admin isn’t doing the same things obama’s did — even though they could — is because it would blow right up in their faces, because most of it was wrong. Did you guys know that Pence and other senior leaders at the WH have a weekly Bible study and prayer group? Can’t describe how wonderful that makes me feel to know that they are completely serious about asking God for direction, wisdom and righteousness. I sleep easy every night knowing the leadership of this country is on the right track. I can’t let the devil tickle my ear with this Russia crap day after day. It’s summer outside and it’s the best summer ever!

  6. People are saying now that she wasn’t there, just retweeted someone else’s pic, so McCain gets plausible deniability. Fine. If she doesn’t know McCain, she must know the other guy. Who is he?

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