Latest Amelia Earhart “Mystery Solved!” Evidence Comically Shot Down By Blogger – IOTW Report

Latest Amelia Earhart “Mystery Solved!” Evidence Comically Shot Down By Blogger

I watched the documentary about this “found photo” that supposedly shows Earhart (seated with back turned) and her flight companion (on left) and listened to historians prattle on about how this photo moved them to tears.

“Watching Earhart watching her plane towed away, thinking she was safe, only to be later killed by her captors, it just, it just brings a lump to your throat.”

That’s a bastardization of what was said in the film. I’m not quoting anyone directly, but these were the sentiments.

Turns out they are looking at a picture that was published in a Japanese travelogue 2 years before Earhart even took off in her plane.


The guy said it took him 30 minutes to discredit the “amazing finding.”

Blogger discredits claim Amelia Earhart was taken prisoner by Japan

21 Comments on Latest Amelia Earhart “Mystery Solved!” Evidence Comically Shot Down By Blogger

  1. PLEASE NOTE: The host of this documentary is Shawn Henry, CEO and chief security officer of CROWDSTRIKE SERVICES.

    That’s the outfit that checked DNC servers and concluded Russia hacked them.

    They’re the only outfit to examine the servers and they are the source of the Russian hacking “conclusion” that others including the FBI seem to unquestioningly rely on.

    So, we are supposed to Accept the conclusions of Crowdstrike Services, rather then the standard FBI forensic examination?

    Even when the CEO has so dramatically flamed out on the issue of Amelia Earhart’s photo identification??

    Additional questions:

    How/why did DNC choose Crowd strike services?

    Was FBI unduly deferential to crowdstrike findings because its CEO was formerly Executive Asst Director of the FBI? Note that although the company is California based, henry is based in Arlington Va.

    Please follow up on this, ere were plenty of reason s to doubt the conclusion s of an outside contractor on this critical issue

  2. The history Channel is owned by the Hearst Corporation and the Disney–ABC. As such their primary focus is propaganda and entertainment. Speaking of history, look up the history of the Hearst Corporation. “Nudging” history would be right up their alley if not flat-out lying. Oh it’s quite well done, but at the end of the day it’s not much different than getting your “news” from the comedy channel. If you want to know history, get some books. A few OLD books!

  3. Let’s face it – Earhart is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, as a needle in a huge ocean. Unless someone comes up with bones and/or the ship itself no one wil really know – especially after knowing how photos can be made or “time travel.”

  4. These shows always repackage known facts and old physical evidence as shocking new discoveries. Then, they use modern digital technology to produce the same inconclusive results as the guy with the microscope and magnet did sixty years ago. The excavations are always comedy gold, whether it’s Oak Island, Mili Atoll or Hitler’s Paraguay Hideaway. And the witnesses all might as well have worn, leather-bound logbooks for the Mystery Hunters to sign in and out. But it is fun to watch them plod along to the obvious, and to share in their excitement as they dig up an artifact from the previous excavation.

  5. Fake Documentary? Shocking, I tell you it’s shocking.
    If you don’t know history, just let the History Channel make it up as they go.

    Were the ratings as good as Geraldo’s opening of Al Capone’s safe ?

    All bread and no burger.
    Has the History channel been bought by CNN?

  6. As soon as I saw that pic I said, “Are you kidding me? THAT’S Earhart? The figure with his/her BACK to the camera?” But, that was all they need for a show.
    After a couple of episodes of Oak Island I never get sucked in anymore.
    NARRATOR: “Is it POSSIBLE that Amelia Earhart landed in The Money Pit, with the help of the Incas, finding a secret escape route for Hitler to join Bigfoot and other alien creatures?”

  7. I will say though, that there is a show that is unintentionally hilarious. It’s about Bigfoot hunters who do battle with other Bigfoot hunters. They have split into two arguing camps with one wanting to kill a Bigfoot so it can be studied and the other camp appalled that Bigfoot will be killed or harmed.
    Watching them both do serious battle over a creature that DOES NOT EXIST is hysterical.

  8. The Hillbillies that chase Bigfoot are hilarious! But unintentionally. I probably watch 2 or 3 shows during the week, one of them being River Monsters. I don’t even know why because I hate seafood. lol

  9. Poor old Lost Amelia. Still reliable clickbait 80 years later.
    There’s a couple of “expedition” groups who issue identical press Releases every year, and the MSM dutifully runs them as “Amazing New Discoveries!!!!”
    Somewhere I read a poignant and plausible sounding account of a private radio hobbyist who claimed to have picked up distress calls from Earhart and Noonan, giving Howland Island coordinates, growing fainter as the battery faded. True or not, it’s a poignant image.

  10. i’ve read many books about POW’s in Japanese hands. Those that were captured and held on the marshall islands tell stories they heard of an American woman held there. Many earhart hunters are desperate to place her there somehow. There are also articles i’ve read of pieces from a plane like hers off the shores of one of the marshalls. One would think the Japanese would tell us if they knew.

  11. Look closely at the picture. You can clearly see the shadow of big foot in the left corner. But there is more in the center is the outline of a plesiosaur (lock Ness monster). With more enhancement we may find evidence of ancient aliens and possible proof of global warming.

  12. I used to have Amelia Earhart luggage. It got lost.

    Every time I drive over that damned Causeway to the Southshore here in Louisiana, I avoid Ameila Earhart Blvd. I always get lost.

  13. I enjoyed the part where ir was dark and there was the cry of an animal, and one of the bozos pipes up and says “That is a Squatch!” Yet they are never able to get on on camera I wonder why?
    Then there is the classroom [everybody who raises their hand gets $50.00]
    How many here have seen a sasquatch? Every hand goes up. Gee, we need to investigate more!
    It’s all BS!

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