Was Klaus Eberwein, Found Shot in the Head in Miami Hotel, Supposed to Testify About Clinton Foundation Corruption? – IOTW Report

Was Klaus Eberwein, Found Shot in the Head in Miami Hotel, Supposed to Testify About Clinton Foundation Corruption?

Miami Herald- A supporter of former Haitian President Michel Martelly, Klaus Eberwein served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, better known as FAES. He held the position from May 2012 until February 2015 when he was replaced.

During and after his government tenure, Eberwein faced allegations of fraud and corruption on how the agency he headed administered funds. Among the issues was FAES’ oversight of shoddy construction of several schools built after Haiti’s devastating Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake.

Eberwein was scheduled to appear Tuesday before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the head of the commission, Sen. Evalière Beauplan confirmed.


ht/ Vermin Control

Lots of links and comments on social media are claiming that Klaus was expected to introduce evidence of Clinton Foundation corruption.

I’m not sure if this is true, but I’d sure like to know.


Oddly, just two days ago a man who who was embroiled in the Russia/Clinton email scandal took his own life.

He left a conspicuous note – “No Foul Play.” That seems a little too “on the nose,” no?


Let’s get real here. It’s just gosh darn bad luck that a body count seems to follow the Clintons wherever they go. But if you look long enough at anyone that has lots of friends, and does lots of business, you will find lots of awkward suicides.

Take for instance the long list of suicides associated with Donald Trump.

Here is a list:


17 Comments on Was Klaus Eberwein, Found Shot in the Head in Miami Hotel, Supposed to Testify About Clinton Foundation Corruption?

  1. The Clinton’s came into office with a trail of 90+ bodies. How many witnesses have died or “committed suicide” before testifying. The odds against that happening must be astronomical! Inspector Cleasu must be replaced. Too many bodies for this to be a random occurrence.

  2. I know one woman who was raped, and I had a sawed of shotgun pointed at me while the shotgun bearing fellow asked me to turn over my wallet. which I did. That is the sum total of people I am acquainted with who has been victims of any violent crime. And I grew up on Chicago’s Southside. The Clintons?

  3. The Clintons Must Really Depress Their Freinds and Foes Alike ! Honey I really Don’t Want meet with Hillary today… I’m just gonna Shoot Myself enstead !

  4. It sure pays to have this kind of money…..When Bill left office the Clintons were all but bankrupt. Now looks at them. Why would Obama have the Clinton Foundation handle the billions of dollars donated for Haiti’s relief. Where did Obama just get all that money to buy the house in D.C. ?? $8 millions dollars….do I need to ask more questions?

  5. Speaking of victims of clintocide, that poor schmuck Smith who was found in a hotel room in Rochester MN with a bag of helium over his face who it is claimed by ‘authorities’ ‘committed suicide,’ this ‘suicide’ could be easily investigated should our ‘law enforcement’ operations want to get to the bottom of a clintocide case, to whit, the purchase of helium canisters can’t be so commonplace as to be untraceable. Did this clintocide victim purchase a helium canister? Or was it part of the room service. I’m guessing the canister itself has a traceable serial number. Get real.

  6. The Clintons are both over 70 . I think that lots of people they have liked or disliked and people who have accused them of crimes are at the age where they will be passing on soon . All Trump’s supporters have accused Clintons of crimes . Lots of them will die over next 4 years .

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