Linda Sarsour – She is “Taking Names” and “They will Pay with Their Pockets” – IOTW Report

Linda Sarsour – She is “Taking Names” and “They will Pay with Their Pockets”


Innocent victim? Or undercover Jihadist?

“There is enough evidence in the hands of federal investigators and prosecutors to indict Linda Sarsour and many of the major Islamic organizations in the United States including ISNA, NAIT, CAIR, Muslim Students Association (MSA), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), and so many others.  Yet, these organizations have still not been shut down and their leaders have still not been put in prison.” UTT – counterterrorism experts.


Linda Sarsour has become the face of Islam in America. But she is not an innocent victim, as she suggests. On July 11, she tweeted that she is “taking names” and they will “pay with their pockets.” This comes after declaring “jihad” against Donald Trump, and telling Muslims not to “assimilate” into American culture.


21 Comments on Linda Sarsour – She is “Taking Names” and “They will Pay with Their Pockets”

  1. This is just a premptive strike she was told to do by her lawyers to scare off any potential lawsuit or investigative news story (although with this media there’s precious little chance of that) that would uncover her deeper links and contact with terrorist groups or even some foreign governments. I hope Sessions is looking into this little pit viper for a jail term or better yet to be air-dropped into what last stronghold ISIS has. I’m sure she’d enjoy her treatment.

  2. tsunami, don’t think she’s *not* trying to become a martyr! Her trolling level is sky-high, and I agree her “pollution” level is as well.

    She’s such a cartoon-version of a radical, that I wonder if it’s worth the bother…but let’s err on the side of safety, shall we?!

  3. Sessions seems intent on redefining the term “Invisible Man”.

    It’s as if Trump never appointed an Attorney General.
    Any AG worth his salt would never have recused himself, never allowed a Dem Special Counsel weaponized to impeach POTUS. Would have declared CAIR, BLM etc as criminal organizations and begun RICO prosecutions already.
    A strong aggressive AG is essential to putting the Left on the run and reversing the damage.

    “Strong and aggressive ” is not the Sessions we are seeing so far.

  4. Thus far Sessions appearance of inaction is troubling.
    He has a big job ferreting out the Obama and Clinton hacks and replacing them with non-partisan and loyal adherents to the law.
    I’m still waiting to see or hear what he does.

  5. This Jihadi bitch, whose has declared Jihad on the NRA, travels with armed body guards. I’ve never been a big fan of Dana Loesch but Dana’s done a pretty good job of going after this Muzloid. I hope Dana is packing.

  6. “Islam is not a religion, it is a political philosophy. We must learn to focus on this if we hope to defeat it.”

    Eventually it will be more important to focus on your front site.

  7. Telling psychotic muslim savages “not to assimilate into American culture” is like me saying I am boycotting buying billion dollar yachts. It was never gonna happen anyway. You cannot assimilate savages who throw gays off buildings, blow up 8 years olds, and worship a 7th century pedophile into civilized society.

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