Wheeler on Republicans and Obamacare – IOTW Report

Wheeler on Republicans and Obamacare

ht/ tsunami, who says,

“I would state her last line in this video slightly differently, otherwise nobody will take the demand seriously.

I would say, ‘repeal Obamacare NOW, not 2 years from now, or being re-elected will be the least of your concerns.”

7 Comments on Wheeler on Republicans and Obamacare

  1. These liberal republicans, and welfare state democrats think that if they lose an election that people will forget who they are and just move on. Most of the time they would have been correct.

    Imagine not being able to ever go anywhere because of the intimidation that too many people who you’ve fucked-over might recognize who you are or what you did to them to make their daily existence miserable.

    That goes for OJ Simple, too.

    Karma is a bitch.

  2. If anyone actually believe that (1) Obamacare will be repealed or (2) that congressmen are worried, then I’ve got some ocean front property in Nebraska you might want to look at.

    Any guess as to the average term of a congressman? Let’s just say that violent felons serve less time in prison.

    Why do these spineless worms continue to get reelected? It certainly can’t be because of the stellar job their doing.

    The problem must lie in the other congressmen, because my guy is working hard to represent me. And I know this because that’s what he promises every time elections roll around.

    Should I believe him next time? Yeah, probably so, especially if he promises to drain the swamp. I’m a sucker for that one.

  3. LET OBAMACARE BURN! Don’t replace. I love all the people saying
    government can fix a problem they created with more government.
    Our side is smarter. They all suck! CONCENTRATE ON TAX REFORM & THE WALL
    or we will have a 1 term President.

  4. Why is it mostly the R’s who skew to the left? You never really see the D’s skewing right. Other than Manchin in PA, it’s always the spineless R’s who crossover. Maybe the D’s are too afraid to?

  5. Obamacare is an entitlement, it will never be repealed. Any replacement, fix or ‘temporary funding’ will just make it worse.
    We’ve been screwed for years, get over it.

  6. Last weekend I had a short debate with a college-educated liberal who was extolling Cuba’s health system (can you believe it?) and the European system. Upfront I told this fool that he did not want to debate with me because all his points lead to using force on people to make them do things they do not want to do. I did not have to extrapolate much to make my point and he quickly shut up. I made him realize HE was the asshole willing to use violence to force his will. There is currently NO ONE in the political realm using this debate tactic – – probably because it can be applied to MOST of what the government does and would actually be an endorsement of eliminating most government “jobs”.

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