Fake Nose – IOTW Report

Fake Nose

Scarborough tells viewers to “assume the worst” about Trump/Putin’s conversation at dinner.


Honestly, did I change much about this photo? This tard looks like he’s wearing novelty nose and glasses, and once you see it you cannot not see it.


18 Comments on Fake Nose

  1. Oh those rock-ribbed Republicans!

    Joe Scarborough
    Ariana Huffington
    Lisa Murkowski
    Dede Scozzafava (look that one up folks)
    Arlen Specter
    John “Get the hell out of the race already” Kasich
    George “Vote for Hillary” Bush Sr.
    Mitt “Back stab” Romney

    Yup. Those middle-of-the-road moderate, reasonable Republicans sure did us a lot of good.

  2. Could you imagine Joe’s outrage if he knew DJT shits in a bathroom with no American present?

    Mika would rate it an exaggerated eye roll, followed up with a gasp and a long awkward pause.

  3. Joe didn’t want to go the way of Greta Van Susteran, so when his dominatrix Mika and his masters at MSNDC told him to leave the republican party, this spineless clown didn’t hesitate.

  4. SuperPatriot: Glad you didn’t include Lion Ted Cruz in the list. Cruz in 2024 (2020 if the GOP stabs Trump in the back bad enough), running on the Conservative, Federalist, or Constitutional Party ticket. Hopefully, we can form a coalition to replace the GOP, since they NEVER INTENDED to repeal Obamacare in the first place.

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