There is a Victorian era book about a boy named Baron Trump that has some strange coincidences in it.
A filmmaker is looking for some backing in order to make it into a film.
Is there a Donald in this book?
See the video about this project to find out.
ht/ Mr. Pinko
Oh my gosh, I love it.
Okay, I have to ask: Are we sure this isn’t more of that Fake Victorian Era crap? I hate getting steampunked.
Okay, this better not be more of that Fake Victorian Era crap. I hate getting steampunked.
How come he didn’t cue in Nostradamus? Gack. Another fool trying to get his fifteen minutes of fame and mirrions of dollars.
There is a reason you are ignored, have you discovered why yet?
Coincidence? Yes!
99 cents for Kindle. I didn’t check the public domain book sites. Apparently there were several in the series,
Wildly differing biographical information on (Ralph) Ingersoll Lockwood.
I think thirdtwin is right about steampunking
Thirdtwin, you just coined a new word, “steampunk” as a verb! Love it!